

#advice #ideas important:1
The Top Idea in Your Mind
The Top Idea in Your Mind
You can't directly control where your thoughts drift. If you're controlling them, they're not drifting. But you can control them indirectly, by controlling what situations you let yourself get into. That has been the lesson for me: be careful what you let become critical to you. Try to get yourself into situations where the most urgent problems are ones you want to think about.
barring emergencies you have a good deal of indirect control over what becomes the top idea in your mind.
Turning the other cheek turns out to have selfish advantages. Someone who does you an injury hurts you twice: first by the injury itself, and second by taking up your time afterward thinking about it. If you learn to ignore injuries you can at least avoid the second half. I've found I can to some extent avoid thinking about nasty things people have done to me by telling myself: this doesn't deserve space in my head.
just take a shower. What topic do your thoughts keep returning to? If it's not what you want to be thinking about, you may want to change something.
The Top Idea in Your Mind