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David Ayer Says ‘Suicide Squad’ Broke Him: ‘Hollywood Is Like Watching Someone You Love Get F—ed by Someone You Hate’
David Ayer Says ‘Suicide Squad’ Broke Him: ‘Hollywood Is Like Watching Someone You Love Get F—ed by Someone You Hate’
Example of executives having a superficial understanding of what makes movies appealing; believing they can follow formula and turn a movie into something it isn’t
“Come right off ‘Fury,’ right? I had the town in my hand — could’ve done anything, and I did do anything,” Ayer continued. “And [I] go on this journey with [‘Suicide Squad’]. And the same thing — authentic, truthful, let’s do all the rehearsal, let’s really get in each other’s souls. Let’s create this amazing, collaborative thing, right? And then ‘Deadpool’ opened, right? And they never tested ‘Batman v. Superman,’ so they were expecting a different result, and then they got hammered by all the critics. Then it’s like, ‘Okay, we’re going to turn David Ayer’s dark, soulful movie into a fucking comedy now.’”
David Ayer Says ‘Suicide Squad’ Broke Him: ‘Hollywood Is Like Watching Someone You Love Get F—ed by Someone You Hate’