

#opinion #dating #relationships
Crushes are fun and why you should embrace them
Crushes are fun and why you should embrace them
Crushes are fun. Or at least they’re supposed to be fun as long as you keep them that way. As long as you don’t get emotionally invested or fixated or keep imagining your reality to be what it is not. But if you expect too much or feel too easily, you might end up with self-inflicted heartache which just leaves you feeling empty-handed or just empty inside. And all of this for someone who never even promised you anything from the start.
maybe it's better to think of people you know highly. It's good to have that positive outlook and perspective on that person because you want to do well in front of them. It's not delusional or scary at all. It's just a shift in mindset and honestly if you want to see things in flowery rose-colored glasses (and it helps) then I don't see why not?
Crushes are fun and why you should embrace them
I’ve been single all my life | Hacker News
I’ve been single all my life | Hacker News
somebody else in this thread has already commented on married men living longer. It works both ways, too. Each partner keeps tabs on the other, notices problems, encourages them to stick to health resolutions, etc. Plus you both are much less likely to forget things or miss appointments, because the other one is there to say, "Didn't you say..." or "Weren't you going to...?" and so on.
I’ve been single all my life | Hacker News