

M. Night Shyamalan Says Bad Reviews of ‘Glass’ Made Him Cry
M. Night Shyamalan Says Bad Reviews of ‘Glass’ Made Him Cry
“What do you want to be?” Shyamalan asked. “Writer? Director?” “Director,” the student said. “But that’s really hard to accomplish.” Shyamalan shot back with a heated response. “Dude, I don’t like the way you talk, bro,” he said. “How can you tell me that it’s going to be hard? Do you see a lot of people like you writing stories? Give me a break, bro. That’s your strength, that you’re not like us. Go out there and tell your stories. Don’t go out there and try to be like Quentin or me or anybody else. We need you. Tell me what makes you angry, why you’re arrogant, or fearful, whatever it is. Don’t hide anything. Be honest. What is that thing that bothers you and makes you distinct? Everyone’s looking for you. A Mexican point of view to tell a story right now? I’m telling you, everybody wants that right now.”
M. Night Shyamalan Says Bad Reviews of ‘Glass’ Made Him Cry