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Please just tell me what you do - Evan Conrad
Please just tell me what you do - Evan Conrad
Describe things that someone can explain to someone else, or you'll miss out on word-of-mouth growth. Imagine you wandered into some party and met an investor/donor/customer named Emily. Even if you're the most persuasive person ever and she walks away from the conversation energized and excited, your time is wasted because Emily can't explain to her coworkers/friends/legislative-body what specifically she's excited about.
If Emily is a potential customer and all she heard was nothing-language, then you've gained no information. She might be interested! But that interest might only be in something she's imagined — not what you're actually making.
Nothing-language is describing your product as "an investigation into how we generate dispersed intimacy, signify alliance, and physical representations of our digital coordination praxis"1 instead of saying you're an investment fund. If you're going to "revolutionize", "create the operating system for", "build at the intersection between", "empower", "democratize", "individually flourish", or "be interdisciplinary", the universe should pause, rewind, and let you explain again. It's kind and wants you to succeed.
Be boring. Say you're "plaid for messaging apps" or "a figma plugin that generates svg icons from gpt-3" or "chrome extension that adds cmd-k to every website".
Please just tell me what you do - Evan Conrad
Profile: haswell | Hacker News
Profile: haswell | Hacker News
For most of my career, I've been a full-stack dev, tinkerer, technologist, jack-of-all-trades type of person. Currently on sabbatical while I pivot to something...different.Consequentialist-ish, currently worried about the state of tech and its impact on society, and figuring out how to do something useful about it, mostly focused on personal/individual habit change.
Profile: haswell | Hacker News
Nietzsche on How to Find Yourself and the True Value of Education
Nietzsche on How to Find Yourself and the True Value of Education
Let the young soul survey its own life with a view of the following question: “What have you truly loved thus far? What has ever uplifted your soul, what has dominated and delighted it at the same time?” Assemble these revered objects in a row before you and perhaps they will reveal a law by their nature and their order: the fundamental law of your very self.
Nietzsche on How to Find Yourself and the True Value of Education
“I can’t make products just for 41-year-old tech founders”: Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky is taking it back to basics
“I can’t make products just for 41-year-old tech founders”: Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky is taking it back to basics
Of course, you shouldn’t discriminate, but when we say belonging, it has to be more than just inclusion. It has to actually be the proactive manifestation of meeting people, creating connections in friendships. And Jony Ive said, “Well, you need to reframe it. It’s not just about belonging, it’s about human connection and belonging.”And that was, I think, a really big unlock. The next thing Jony Ive said is he created this book for me, a book of his ideas, and the book was called “Beyond Where and When,” and he basically said that Airbnb should shift from beyond where and when to who and what?Who are you and what do you want in your life? And that was a part of the inspiration behind Airbnb categories, that we wanted people to come to Airbnb without a destination in mind and that we could categorize properties not just by location but by what makes them unique, and that really influenced Airbnb categories and some of the stuff we’re doing now.
“I can’t make products just for 41-year-old tech founders”: Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky is taking it back to basics
About Maggie Appleton
About Maggie Appleton
I sit at the intersection of design, anthropology, and programming. These three are at the core of everything I make. Combining them into a coherent career is a weird and ongoing challenge.Titles and disciplines are fickle and fleeting. But my work fits under the umbrellas of UX design, visual interface design, and DX (developer experience). With some cultural analysis, writing, and visual illustration sprinkled on top.
About Maggie Appleton