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Impression Management
Impression Management
Although impression management has been relatively free of controversy as a scholarly topic, some disagreements have formed around the ethics of managing impressions, how to best measure impression management, and whether impression management explains some of the more venerable topics in social science such as prosocial behavior, cognitive dissonance, and moral judgment.
Other work has investigated how easy it is to mismanage an impression, such as when “humble bragging” and giving “backhanded compliments.”
Impression Management
“Recycle Me!” Product Anthropomorphism Can Increase Recycling Behavior | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
“Recycle Me!” Product Anthropomorphism Can Increase Recycling Behavior | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research

People empathize with humanlike products. When they need to dispose them, recycling feels more humane than throwing them away.

This text presents research that suggests anthropomorphizing product characteristics can lead to increased consumer recycling. Five studies, including lab and online studies and a field experiment, were conducted to explore the connection between anthropomorphism and recycling. The results suggest that anthropomorphism elicits both affective (empathy) and cognitive reactions (an abstract construal level) which can lead to increased recycling. The implications of this research for sustainable consumption and addressing climate change are discussed.

“Recycle Me!” Product Anthropomorphism Can Increase Recycling Behavior | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research