Right-wing shows air clarifications about "rigged" voting machines after legal threats
Fox News gets caught.
Dominion's brief in supprot of its motion for summary judgement on liability of Fox News Network
Fox News' admission that many of its claims and skepticism about the 2020 Elections were false
‘Woke’ and other bogus political terms, decoded
See also "On Bullshit"
“The media” (or “mainstream media”): a meaningless phrase because there are countless very different media, which don’t act in concert.
“Gets it”: a social media phrase that is used to mean “agrees with me”.
Usually, though, people who claim to have been “cancelled” mean “criticised”, “convicted of sexual assault”, “replaced by somebody who isn’t an overt bigot” or simply “ignored”.
“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind,” wrote George Orwell in his 1946 essay “Politics and the English Language” (the complete guide on how to write in just 13 pages). He lists other “worn-out and useless” words and phrases that were disappearing in his day: jackboot, Achilles heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno. The same fate later befell words overused in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks: “heroes” (a euphemism for victims) and “greatest country on earth” (meaning largest military and GDP).
r/politics on Reddit: Fox News calls Biden ‘wannabe dictator’ as it shows Trump speech on nuclear secret charges
Inside the 'Death Match' that Helped Doom Tucker Carlson at Fox
Tucker Carlson’s chief writer resigns over racist and sexist posts, the latest trouble for Fox’s most controversial star
Tucker Carlson ousted by Fox News.
Both Trump and Carlson "were children of privilege" who "sought the respect of the establishment" but never got it. And, like Trump, he found success "by catering to people who despised the world that had spurned him."
Throw a dart at any show on the calendar and you will hit an absurdity. Carlson once said vaccine requirements in the military were used to “identify the sincere Christians in the ranks, the free thinkers, the men with high testosterone levels, and anybody else who doesn’t love Joe Biden and make them leave immediately.” He called January 6 rioters “orderly and meek," trying to reframe them as "sightseers.”
Inside the 3 Months That Could Cost Fox $1.6 Billion