Girlboss ended not with a bang, but a meme
For Hollywood, Chinese Villains Move Behind the Scenes
Elizabeth Banks Regrets ‘Charlie’s Angels’ Marketing: It Wasn’t a ‘Feminist Manifesto,’ Just an ‘Action Movie’
The Case for Digital Public Infrastructure
Kevin Kelly on Why Technology Has a Will
The game is that every time we create a new technology, we’re creating new possibilities, new choices that didn’t exist before. Those choices themselves—even the choice to do harm—are a good, they’re a plus.
We want an economy that’s growing in the second sense: unlimited betterment, unlimited increase in wisdom, and complexity, and choices. I don’t see any limit there. We don’t want an economy that’s just getting fatter and fatter, and bigger and bigger, in terms of its size. Can we imagine such a system? That’s hard, but I don’t think it’s impossible.
IATSE To Hollywood Media Giants: “You’re Gonna Change The Way You Do Business” – Deadline