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Kash Patel and Dan Bongino to lead FBI.
Kash Patel and Dan Bongino to lead FBI.
I’m going to share seven quotes. Some of them are real things Kash Patel and Dan Bongino have said. Some of them are made up. Let’s see if you can spot the fake ones. “We’re blessed by God to have Donald Trump be our juggernaut of justice, to be our leader, to be our continued warrior in the arena.” “My recommendation is Donald Trump should ignore this [court order]... who is going to arrest him? The marshals? You guys know who the U.S. Marshals work for? The Department of Justice, that is under the — oh yeah, the executive branch. Donald Trump is going to order his own arrest? This is ridiculous.” “The only thing that matters is power. That is all that matters. ‘No it doesn’t, we have a system of checks and balances.’ Ha! That’s a good one. That’s really funny. We do?” “The irony about this for the scumbag commie libs is that the cold civil war they’re pushing for will end really badly for them. Libs are the biggest pussies I’ve ever seen and they use others to do their dirty work. Their mommas are still doing their laundry for them as they celebrate tonight that their long sought goal of the destruction of the Republic has been reached. But they’re not ready for what comes next.” “My entire life now is about owning the libs.” “And you've got to harness that following that Q [of QAnon] has garnered and just sort of tweak it a little bit. That's all I'm saying. He should get credit for all of the things he has accomplished, because it's hard to establish a movement." “We’re going to come after the people in the media who lied about American citizens who helped Joe Biden rig presidential elections. We’re going to come after you, whether it’s criminally or civilly. We’ll figure that out. But yeah, we’re putting you all on notice.” Just kidding. They’re all real. 1, 6, and 7 were things Kash Patel said. 2, 3, 4, and 5 are things Dan Bongino said.
Kash Patel and Dan Bongino to lead FBI.
That “Little Secret” Between Trump and Johnson? Here’s What It Could Mean.
That “Little Secret” Between Trump and Johnson? Here’s What It Could Mean.
The article suggests that Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson's "secret plan" likely involves a strategy to manipulate the Electoral College certification process by having Republican-controlled states delay or refuse to certify election results, potentially allowing Trump to claim victory with fewer than the traditional 270 electoral votes needed.
To understand how this could work, you have to understand the 12th Amendment of the Constitution. Here’s the key language: “The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote[.]”
I don’t think the Republican plan even requires them to get to a contingent election where the House chooses the president. I think the plan is to steal the Electoral College outright by getting states Trump loses to refuse to certify the results of their election. That’s because the 12th Amendment provides that the president is the person who wins the majority of the “whole number of Electors appointed.” That “whole number” is supposed to be 538. But one potential reading of the amendment is that Trump doesn’t have to win 270 Electoral College votes but just a majority of however many electors show up. Trump’s goal, I believe, is to decrease the number of electors appointed until he wins.
In 2020, Nancy Pelosi was speaker of the House. If states had tried to get cute and not submit their electors by the December 11 deadline, Pelosi would just have extended the deadline. But Speaker Johnson surely won’t. If electors are not submitted by December 11, he’ll likely declare the process “over” and say that the electors appointed by that date are the only ones allowed to vote for president. Crucially, Johnson can do this even if Republicans lose the House and Johnson is removed from power. The new House isn’t sworn in until January 3. As the violent MAGA people in your family already know, January 6 is when the House certifies the results of the Electoral College, but that is just a ceremonial day. By the time we get to January 6, the electors are supposed to have voted. December 11 is the deadline for appointing electors, December 25 the deadline for voting. Mike Johnson will still be in charge on both of those days.
November 5 is the last day of our pretend election. The real election starts on December 11, and Republican officials and judges will have to be forced to honor the results of the pretend election for Harris to have any shot of winning the real one.
That “Little Secret” Between Trump and Johnson? Here’s What It Could Mean.
Hurricane Helene brews up storm of online falsehoods and threats
Hurricane Helene brews up storm of online falsehoods and threats
increasingly, a broad collection of conspiracy groups, extremist movements, political and commercial interests, and at times hostile states, coalesce around crises to further their agendas through online falsehoods, division and hate. They exploit social media moderation failures, gaming their algorithmic systems, and often produce dangerous real-world effects.
Some of the largest accounts sharing falsehoods about the hurricane response – including those with more than 2 million followers – have actively engaged with other forms of mis- and disinformation and hate. This includes anti-migrant conspiracies, false claims of electoral fraud, and antisemitic discourse around the so-called ‘Great Replacement.’ Their role as amplifiers here reveals how diverse groups converge on moments of crisis to co-opt the news cycle and launder their positions to a wider or mainstream audience.
Falsehoods around hurricane response have spawned credible threats and incitement to violence directed at the federal government – this includes calls to send militias to face down FEMA for the perceived denial of aid, and that individuals would “shoot” FEMA officials and the agency’s emergency responders.
Hurricane Helene brews up storm of online falsehoods and threats
The AI trust crisis
The AI trust crisis
The AI trust crisis 14th December 2023 Dropbox added some new AI features. In the past couple of days these have attracted a firestorm of criticism. Benj Edwards rounds it up in Dropbox spooks users with new AI features that send data to OpenAI when used. The key issue here is that people are worried that their private files on Dropbox are being passed to OpenAI to use as training data for their models—a claim that is strenuously denied by Dropbox. As far as I can tell, Dropbox built some sensible features—summarize on demand, “chat with your data” via Retrieval Augmented Generation—and did a moderately OK job of communicating how they work... but when it comes to data privacy and AI, a “moderately OK job” is a failing grade. Especially if you hold as much of people’s private data as Dropbox does! Two details in particular seem really important. Dropbox have an AI principles document which includes this: Customer trust and the privacy of their data are our foundation. We will not use customer data to train AI models without consent. They also have a checkbox in their settings that looks like this: Update: Some time between me publishing this article and four hours later, that link stopped working. I took that screenshot on my own account. It’s toggled “on”—but I never turned it on myself. Does that mean I’m marked as “consenting” to having my data used to train AI models? I don’t think so: I think this is a combination of confusing wording and the eternal vagueness of what the term “consent” means in a world where everyone agrees to the terms and conditions of everything without reading them. But a LOT of people have come to the conclusion that this means their private data—which they pay Dropbox to protect—is now being funneled into the OpenAI training abyss. People don’t believe OpenAI # Here’s copy from that Dropbox preference box, talking about their “third-party partners”—in this case OpenAI: Your data is never used to train their internal models, and is deleted from third-party servers within 30 days. It’s increasing clear to me like people simply don’t believe OpenAI when they’re told that data won’t be used for training. What’s really going on here is something deeper then: AI is facing a crisis of trust. I quipped on Twitter: “OpenAI are training on every piece of data they see, even when they say they aren’t” is the new “Facebook are showing you ads based on overhearing everything you say through your phone’s microphone” Here’s what I meant by that. Facebook don’t spy on you through your microphone # Have you heard the one about Facebook spying on you through your phone’s microphone and showing you ads based on what you’re talking about? This theory has been floating around for years. From a technical perspective it should be easy to disprove: Mobile phone operating systems don’t allow apps to invisibly access the microphone. Privacy researchers can audit communications between devices and Facebook to confirm if this is happening. Running high quality voice recognition like this at scale is extremely expensive—I had a conversation with a friend who works on server-based machine learning at Apple a few years ago who found the entire idea laughable. The non-technical reasons are even stronger: Facebook say they aren’t doing this. The risk to their reputation if they are caught in a lie is astronomical. As with many conspiracy theories, too many people would have to be “in the loop” and not blow the whistle. Facebook don’t need to do this: there are much, much cheaper and more effective ways to target ads at you than spying through your microphone. These methods have been working incredibly well for years. Facebook gets to show us thousands of ads a year. 99% of those don’t correlate in the slightest to anything we have said out loud. If you keep rolling the dice long enough, eventually a coincidence will strike. Here’s the thing though: none of these arguments matter. If you’ve ever experienced Facebook showing you an ad for something that you were talking about out-loud about moments earlier, you’ve already dismissed everything I just said. You have personally experienced anecdotal evidence which overrides all of my arguments here.
One consistent theme I’ve seen in conversations about this issue is that people are much more comfortable trusting their data to local models that run on their own devices than models hosted in the cloud. The good news is that local models are consistently both increasing in quality and shrinking in size.
The AI trust crisis