Right-wing shows air clarifications about "rigged" voting machines after legal threats
Fox News gets caught.
Dominion's brief in supprot of its motion for summary judgement on liability of Fox News Network
Fox News' admission that many of its claims and skepticism about the 2020 Elections were false
The McDonald's Hot Coffee Lawsuit
part of a links roundup post
So, the real story isn't: "Old lady spills coffee and gets millions."
It's "McDonald's ignores hundreds of dangerous incidents for years, then maims a customer for life and refuses to pay her medical bills or change its practices to avoid future incidents. A judge says she's due a fraction of the jury award, but she doesn't get it because McDonald's uses its massive litigation war-chest to force her into a confidential settlement."
The "bloodsucking lawyers preying on innocent corporations" story is a creation of the business lobby, which has, for decades, argued that it should be immune to legal consequences when it harms or kills the public. The cause of "tort reform" is, in actuality, a corporate charter of impunity.
Inside the 3 Months That Could Cost Fox $1.6 Billion
Claims that fueled Missouri GOP crackdown on trans care ‘unsubstantiated,’ university says