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I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone
I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone
Crucially, this was never proven in court. And if Apple settle the case it never will be. Let’s think this through. For the accusation to be true, Apple would need to be recording those wake word audio snippets and transmitting them back to their servers for additional processing (likely true), but then they would need to be feeding those snippets in almost real time into a system which forwards them onto advertising partners who then feed that information into targeting networks such that next time you view an ad on your phone the information is available to help select the relevant ad.
Why would Apple do that? Especially given both their brand and reputation as a privacy-first company combined with the large amounts of product design and engineering work they’ve put into preventing apps from doing exactly this kind of thing by enforcing permission-based capabilities and ensuring a “microphone active” icon is available at all times when an app is listening in.
I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone
The AI trust crisis
The AI trust crisis
The AI trust crisis 14th December 2023 Dropbox added some new AI features. In the past couple of days these have attracted a firestorm of criticism. Benj Edwards rounds it up in Dropbox spooks users with new AI features that send data to OpenAI when used. The key issue here is that people are worried that their private files on Dropbox are being passed to OpenAI to use as training data for their models—a claim that is strenuously denied by Dropbox. As far as I can tell, Dropbox built some sensible features—summarize on demand, “chat with your data” via Retrieval Augmented Generation—and did a moderately OK job of communicating how they work... but when it comes to data privacy and AI, a “moderately OK job” is a failing grade. Especially if you hold as much of people’s private data as Dropbox does! Two details in particular seem really important. Dropbox have an AI principles document which includes this: Customer trust and the privacy of their data are our foundation. We will not use customer data to train AI models without consent. They also have a checkbox in their settings that looks like this: Update: Some time between me publishing this article and four hours later, that link stopped working. I took that screenshot on my own account. It’s toggled “on”—but I never turned it on myself. Does that mean I’m marked as “consenting” to having my data used to train AI models? I don’t think so: I think this is a combination of confusing wording and the eternal vagueness of what the term “consent” means in a world where everyone agrees to the terms and conditions of everything without reading them. But a LOT of people have come to the conclusion that this means their private data—which they pay Dropbox to protect—is now being funneled into the OpenAI training abyss. People don’t believe OpenAI # Here’s copy from that Dropbox preference box, talking about their “third-party partners”—in this case OpenAI: Your data is never used to train their internal models, and is deleted from third-party servers within 30 days. It’s increasing clear to me like people simply don’t believe OpenAI when they’re told that data won’t be used for training. What’s really going on here is something deeper then: AI is facing a crisis of trust. I quipped on Twitter: “OpenAI are training on every piece of data they see, even when they say they aren’t” is the new “Facebook are showing you ads based on overhearing everything you say through your phone’s microphone” Here’s what I meant by that. Facebook don’t spy on you through your microphone # Have you heard the one about Facebook spying on you through your phone’s microphone and showing you ads based on what you’re talking about? This theory has been floating around for years. From a technical perspective it should be easy to disprove: Mobile phone operating systems don’t allow apps to invisibly access the microphone. Privacy researchers can audit communications between devices and Facebook to confirm if this is happening. Running high quality voice recognition like this at scale is extremely expensive—I had a conversation with a friend who works on server-based machine learning at Apple a few years ago who found the entire idea laughable. The non-technical reasons are even stronger: Facebook say they aren’t doing this. The risk to their reputation if they are caught in a lie is astronomical. As with many conspiracy theories, too many people would have to be “in the loop” and not blow the whistle. Facebook don’t need to do this: there are much, much cheaper and more effective ways to target ads at you than spying through your microphone. These methods have been working incredibly well for years. Facebook gets to show us thousands of ads a year. 99% of those don’t correlate in the slightest to anything we have said out loud. If you keep rolling the dice long enough, eventually a coincidence will strike. Here’s the thing though: none of these arguments matter. If you’ve ever experienced Facebook showing you an ad for something that you were talking about out-loud about moments earlier, you’ve already dismissed everything I just said. You have personally experienced anecdotal evidence which overrides all of my arguments here.
One consistent theme I’ve seen in conversations about this issue is that people are much more comfortable trusting their data to local models that run on their own devices than models hosted in the cloud. The good news is that local models are consistently both increasing in quality and shrinking in size.
The AI trust crisis
$700bn delusion - Does using data to target specific audiences make advertising more effective?
$700bn delusion - Does using data to target specific audiences make advertising more effective?
Being broadly effective, but somewhat inefficient, is better than being narrowly efficient, but less effective.
Targeting can increase the scale of effects, but this study suggests that the cheaper approach of not targeting so specifically, might actually deliver a greater financial outcome
As Wiberg’s findings point out, the problem with targeting towards conversion optimisation is you are effectively advertising to many people who were already going to buy you.
If I only sell to IT decision-makers, for example, I need some targeting, as I just can’t afford to talk to random consumers. I must pay for some targeting in my media buy, in order to reach a relatively niche audience.  Targeting is no longer a nice to do, but a must have. The interesting question then becomes not should I target, but how can I target effectively?
What they found was any form of second or third-party data led segmenting and targeting of advertising does not outperform a random sample when it comes to accuracy of reaching the actual target.
Contextual ads massively outperform even first party data
We can improve the quality of our targeting much better by just buying ads that appear in the right context, than we can by using my massive first party database to drive the buy, and it’s way cheaper to do that. Putting ads in contextually relevant places beats any form of targeting to individual characteristics. Even using your own data.
The secret to effective, immediate action-based advertising, is perhaps not so much about finding the right people with the right personas and serving them a tailored customised message. It’s to be in the right places. The places where they are already engaging with your category, and then use advertising to make buying easier from that place
Even hard, sales-driving advertising isn’t the tough guy we want it to be. Advertising mostly works when it makes things easier, much more often than when it tries to persuade or invoke a reluctant action.
Thinking about advertising as an ease-making mechanism is much more likely to set us on the right path
If your ad is in the right place, you automatically get the right people, and you also get them at the right time; when they are actually more interested in what you have to sell. You also spend much less to be there than crunching all that data
$700bn delusion - Does using data to target specific audiences make advertising more effective?
Privacy Fundamentalism
Privacy Fundamentalism
my critique of Manjoo’s article specifically and the ongoing privacy hysteria broadly is not simply about definitions or philosophy. It’s about fundamental assumptions. The default state of the Internet is the endless propagation and collection of data: you have to do work to not collect data on one hand, or leave a data trail on the other. This is the exact opposite of how things work in the physical world: there data collection is an explicit positive action, and anonymity the default.
I believe the privacy debate needs to be reset around these three assumptions: Accept that privacy online entails trade-offs; the corollary is that an absolutist approach to privacy is a surefire way to get policy wrong. Keep in mind that the widespread creation and spread of data is inherent to computers and the Internet, and that these qualities have positive as well as negative implications; be wary of what good ideas and positive outcomes are extinguished in the pursuit to stomp out the negative ones. Focus policy on the physical and digital divide. Our behavior online is one thing: we both benefit from the spread of data and should in turn be more wary of those implications. Making what is offline online is quite another.
Privacy Fundamentalism
Privacy, ads and confusion — Benedict Evans
Privacy, ads and confusion — Benedict Evans
Advertisers don’t really want to know who you are - they want to show diaper ads to people who have babies, not to show them to people who don’t, and to have some sense of which ads drove half a million sales and which ads drove a million sales.
In practice, ‘showing car ads to people who read about cars’ led the adtech industry to build vast piles of semi-random personal data, aggregated, disaggregated, traded, passed around and sometimes just lost, partly because it could and partly because that appeared to be the only way to do it. After half a decade of backlash, there are now a bunch of projects trying to get to the same underlying advertiser aims - to show ads that are relevant, and get some measure of ad effectiveness - while keeping the private data private.
Apple has pursued a very clear theory that analysis and tracking is private if it happens on your device and is not private if leaves your device or happens in the cloud. Hence, it’s built a complex system of tracking and analysis on your iPhone, but is adamant that this is private because the data stays on the device. People have seemed to accept this (so far - or perhaps the just haven’t noticed it), but acting on the same theory Apple also created a CSAM scanning system that it thought was entirely private - ‘it only happens your device!’ - that created a huge privacy backlash, because a bunch of other people think that if your phone is scanning your photos, that isn’t ‘private’ at all. So is ‘on device’ private or not? What’s the rule? What if Apple tried the same model for ‘private’ ads in Safari? How will the public take FLoC? I don’t think we know.
On / off device is one test, but another and much broader is first party / third party: the idea it’s OK for a website to track what you do on that website but not OK for adtech companies to track you across many different websites. This is the core of the cookie question
At this point one answer is to cut across all these questions and say that what really matters is whether you disclose whatever you’re doing and get consent. Steve Jobs liked this argument. But in practice, as we've discovered, ‘get consent’ means endless cookie pop-ups full of endless incomprehensible questions that no normal consumer should be expected to understand, and that just train people to click ‘stop bothering me’. Meanwhile, Apple’s on-device tracking doesn't ask for permission, and opts you in by default, because, of course, Apple thinks that if it's on the device it's private. Perhaps ‘consent’ is not a complete solution after all.
If you can only analyse behaviour within one site but not across many sites, or make it much harder to do that, companies that have a big site where people spend lots of time have better targeting information and make more money from advertising. If you can only track behaviour across lots of different sites if you do it ‘privately’ on the device or in the browser, then the companies that control the device or the browser have much more control over that advertising
Privacy, ads and confusion — Benedict Evans