All The Right Words On Climate Have Already Been Said - by The Real Sarah Miller - The Real Sarah Miller
Opinion | Tom Hanks: The Tulsa Race Massacre Is Every American's History - The New York Times
Objects of Power — Pixel Envy
Daring Fireball: Facebook’s Unknowable Megascale
Opinion | Filing Taxes in Japan Is a Breeze. Why Not Here? - The New York Times
Grave of the Fireflies movie review (1988) | Roger Ebert
Opinion | Beware the permanent exclusive - The Washington Post
Race isn't a social construct. It's an ad campaign
The Miseducation of the US Left: Bernie Sanders, Social Democracy, and Left Chauvinism — Hampton Institute
The New White Moderate: Liberalism, Political Coercion, and the Failed Electoral Strategy — Hampton Institute
There's always a bigger scandal
The Cancer in the Camera Lens | The New Republic
Opinion | Donald Trump vs. the United States of America - The New York Times
The Affair Sarah Treem explains Ruth Wilson Exit in Showtime Series – Deadline
“Parasite” nails the inherent inequality of hiring household help
Corporate philanthropy won't solve Seattle's housing crisis | Crosscut
Aaron Schock and the Politics of Outing
Opinion | Trump Needs His Base to Burn With Anger - The New York Times
Deep Dive into Pete Buttigieg