America’s Future Is Texas | The New Yorker
"I'm Not Doing Well!": The Musical - No Soul, No Dark Nights
How Artists Are Trying to Solve the World’s Problems - The New York Times
Broken Synapse: Why Employees And Customers Are Fleeing This Andreessen-Backed Fintech Startup
I Was a Useful Idiot for Capitalism - The Atlantic
A COVID-19 Vaccine Reality Check - The Atlantic
China’s Xi Sets His Sights on Taiwan After Subduing Hong Kong - Bloomberg Businessweek
The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free ❧ Current Affairs
The New White Moderate: Liberalism, Political Coercion, and the Failed Electoral Strategy — Hampton Institute
Beyoncé in Nine Images: A Close Read
How to Fuck With White Supremacy - Vulture
David Shor’s Unified Theory of the 2020 Election
A New York Minute With: Senior Writer E. Alex Jung
Red Table Talk Review: Jada Pinkett Smith, Will Smith Get Real – Variety
Latin Roots: The Underground Beat Of Reggaeton : World Cafe : NPR
Hollywood and the Police: A Deep, Complicated and Now Strained Relationship
Five Books to Make You Less Stupid About the Civil War - The Atlantic
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Why I'm Writing 'Captain America' - The Atlantic
As Naughty Dog Crunches On The Last Of Us II, Developers Wonder How Much Longer This Approach Can Last
The Land of the Large Adult Son | The New Yorker
Militarization fails to enhance police safety or reduce crime but may harm police reputation | PNAS
George Floyd protests: Police erupt in violence nationwide during the third night of protests.
Mass Extermination of Iowa Pigs Amid Pandemic Revealed
Who Exactly Is Doing the Looting, and Who’s Being Looted?
There's always a bigger scandal
The Rise of the Sadcom
GERALD LYNN BOSTOCK, Petitioner, v. CLAYTON COUNTY, GEORGIA, Respondent. and ALTITUDE EXPRESS, INC., ET AL., Petitioners, v. ) No. 17-1623 MELISSA ZARDA, AS EXECUTOR OF THE ESTATE OF DONALD ZARDA, ET AL., Respondents - Oral Argument - October 08, 2019
Why is millennial humor so weird? - The Washington Post