A Tale Of Two Ecosystems: On Bandcamp, Spotify And The Wide-Open Future : NPR
Spotify Payouts, YouTube Users: The Music Business's Biggest Myths - Rolling Stone
Reimagining Design Systems at Spotify | by Spotify Design | Spotify Design | Medium
Objects of Power — Pixel Envy
Daring Fireball: Facebook’s Unknowable Megascale
What comes after smartphones? — Benedict Evans
Mainframes were followed by PCs, and then the web, and then smartphones. Each of these new models started out looking limited and insignificant, but each of them unlocked a new market that was so much bigger that it pulled in all of the investment, innovation and company creation and so grew to overtake the old one. Meanwhile, the old models didn’t go away, and neither, mostly, did the companies that had been created by them. Mainframes are still a big business and so is IBM; PCs are still a big business and so is Microsoft. But they don’t set the agenda anymore - no-one is afraid of them.
We’ve spent the last few decades getting to the point that we can now give everyone on earth a cheap, reliable, easy-to-use pocket computer with access to a global information network. But so far, though over 4bn people have one of these things, we’ve only just scratched the surface of what we can do with them.
There’s an old saying that the first fifty years of the car industry were about creating car companies and working out what cars should look like, and the second fifty years were about what happened once everyone had a car - they were about McDonalds and Walmart, suburbs and the remaking of the world around the car, for good and of course bad. The innovation in cars became everything around the car. One could suggest the same today about smartphones - now the innovation comes from everything else that happens around them.
LinkedIn’s Alternate Universe - Divinations
Every platform has its royalty. On Instagram it's influencers, foodies, and photographers. Twitter belongs to the founders, journalists, celebrities, and comedians. On LinkedIn, it’s hiring managers, recruiters, and business owners who hold power on the platform and have the ear of the people.
On a job site, they’re the provisioners of positions and never miss the chance to regale their audience with their professional deeds: hiring a teenager with no experience, giving a stressed single mother a chance to provide for her family, or seeing past a candidate’s imperfections to give them a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. These stories are relayed dramatically in what’s now recognizable as LinkedIn-style storytelling, one spaced sentence at a time, told by job-givers with a savior complex.
Make it Personal | CSS-Tricks
Since When Was 'Escape Room' a Genre?
How a young, queer Asian-American businesswoman is rethinking user safety at Twitter - Protocol
Snapchat's million-dollar idea - Platformer
Microinteractions | Designing with Details
The dribbblisation of design | Inside Intercom
How the biggest consumer apps got their first 1,000 users - Issue 25 - Lenny's Newsletter
Watch These TikTok Videos. The Vibe Is Contagious. - The New York Times
How Film School Helped Me Make Better User Experiences
Wikipedia Is the Last Best Place on the Internet | WIRED
Curators Are the New Creators. The Business Model of Good Taste | by Gaby Goldberg | Medium
Moxie Marlinspike Has a Plan to Reclaim Our Privacy | The New Yorker
An Interview with Sagi Haviv | Create
Pepsi's Nonsensical Logo Redesign Document: $1 Million for This? - CBS News
Systems, Mistakes, and the Sea › Robin Rendle
The design systems between us. — Ethan Marcotte
The Way We Build – Airbnb Design
From Gut to Plan: The Thoughtful Execution Framework | Spotify Design
The Interface comes to an end | Revue
Wonder Blocks: on the creation of Khan Academy’s Design System
The Problem Exists Between Nerds and Normal People — Pixel Envy
People expect technology to suck – kbps
'The Mandalorian' Creators Talk Sustainable Virtual Production - Variety