Systems, Mistakes, and the Sea › Robin Rendle
The Interface comes to an end | Revue
On Anxiety, Uncertainty, and Flow | 8th Light
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How Chinese Sci-Fi Conquered America - The New York Times
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"I'm Not Doing Well!": The Musical - No Soul, No Dark Nights
How Artists Are Trying to Solve the World’s Problems - The New York Times
The Truth Is Paywalled But The Lies Are Free ❧ Current Affairs
The Miseducation of the US Left: Bernie Sanders, Social Democracy, and Left Chauvinism — Hampton Institute
The New White Moderate: Liberalism, Political Coercion, and the Failed Electoral Strategy — Hampton Institute
Beyoncé in Nine Images: A Close Read
The Scourge of Hygiene Theater - The Atlantic
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“The Artist’s Way” in an Age of Self-Promotion | The New Yorker
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When White Kids Grow Up on the Black Internet - PAPER
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Interface Aesthetics - An Introduction - Rhizome
Nevertheless, the interface pushes back with its prescribed methodologies, workflows, and limitations. Interface and artist are an antagonistic pair. Perhaps the best description of the polemic between the two is one of productive cannibalism. Just as the interface evolves under the pressure of innovation to accommodate new pragmatic uses, the artists’ will continue to deconstruct and push its aesthetic and behavioral properties to their limits.
Neo-Neo Realism - American Directors Make Clear-Eyed Movies for Hard Times - The New York Times
We’re not going back to normal - MIT Technology Review
I'm Not Sorry for Leaving You on Read
Knives Out, Last Jedi DP has a plan to end the film-vs-digital debate - Polygon
Critic's Notebook: Apple, Disney and the Overwhelming Era of "Plus TV"