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How Apple Can Bring Down the Price of Apple Vision Headset From $3,500
How Apple Can Bring Down the Price of Apple Vision Headset From $3,500
It’s no surprise that Apple considered holding off on announcing the price until months after WWDC to avoid the negative headlines. In the end, the company decided the price would become an even larger target if it wasn’t revealed at the event. Consumers now have nine months to digest it before the Vision Pro goes on sale.
How Apple Can Bring Down the Price of Apple Vision Headset From $3,500
A. G. Sulzberger on the Battles Within and Against the New York Times
A. G. Sulzberger on the Battles Within and Against the New York Times
One of the things that’s misunderstood about independence is that it doesn’t require you not to have a theory of the case, right? My great-grandfather had a line that he often quoted: “I believe in an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out.”
it? If you are a Democrat and you believe that Donald Trump represents a threat to democracy, is it then anti-democracy for an organization like yours, David, to produce reporting that raises questions about the actions, conduct, or fitness of President Biden?
Members of the Hasidic community criticized our reporting, and very loudly. They sent a letter to the Pulitzer committee raising all sorts of concerns. But it is also true that we heard from countless members of the community saying, “We needed this.” The implicit request of the critics is to suppress such reporting: “It may be true, but, because it can be misused, we don’t want it out there.” But, if we had suppressed the reporting, more kids would be deprived of education. That is the posture of independence.
The posture of independence is not about being a blank slate. It’s not about having no life experience, no personal perspectives. That is an impossible ask. That’s a parody of the long debate over objectivity. The idea of objectivity, as it was originally formulated, wasn’t about the person’s innate characteristics. It was about the process that helped address the inherent biases that all of us carry in our lives. So the question isn’t “Do you have any view?” The question is “Are you animated by an open mind, a skeptical mind, and a commitment to following the facts wherever they lead?”
The key isn’t being a blank slate. It’s not that you don’t have a theory going into any story. It’s a willingness to put the facts above any individual agenda. Think about this moment and how polarized this country is. How many institutions in American life do you believe are truly putting the facts above any agenda?
Let’s be absolutely clear: the former President of the United States, the current leader of one of America’s two political parties, has now spent the better part of seven years telling the public not just to distrust us but that we are the enemies of the American people, that our work is fake, manufactured. The term “enemies of the people” has roots in Stalin’s Soviet Union and in Hitler’s Germany.
Another dynamic inside our industry is that journalism, to some extent, has become an echo chamber. What do I mean by that? It’s been a while since I looked at your bio, but, if you are like many journalists of your generation and in my generation, you probably started at a local paper. That was the traditional path. And what was the day like for a journalist at that point? If you were a cub reporter, you were probably writing—As you were at the Providence Journal.You were probably writing one story a day to three stories a week somewhere. What were your days like? Every day, you were out in the communities you were covering. You were being confronted with the full diversity of this country and of the human experience. On the same day, you would talk to rich and poor, you’d talk to a mother who just had lost a son to murder, and a mother whose son was just arrested for murder, right?
Are you saying that’s changed? That reporters are just sitting in rooms in front of a screen? I don’t think that’s the case.Of course it’s the case! It’s the least talked-about and most insidious result of the collapse of the business model that historically supported quality journalism. The work of reporting is expensive. As traditional media faded, and particularly local media faded, and as digital media filled that vacuum, we saw a full inversion of how reporters’ days were spent. The new model is you have to write three to five stories a day. And, if you have to write three to five stories a day, there is no time to get out into the world. You’re spending your time writing, you’re typing, typing, which means that you are drawing on your own experience and the experience of the people immediately around you. So, literally, many journalists in this country have gone from spending their days out in the field, surrounded by life, to spending their days in an office with people who are in the same profession, working for the same institution, living in the same city, graduating from the same type of university.
The concern is that there’s also a widening gulf in the realm of information. Just as there’s an income-inequality problem in this country that gets worse and worse, there’s an informational divide. I’m not saying that A. G. Sulzberger can be responsible for it and make it all better with a stroke, but there is that problem.I disagree with the hypothesis. I think there is an information problem, but I think it’s about the collapse of local news. I think that that is an American tragedy, a dangerous and insidious force in American life.
broader thought about Opinion: I would just say, look, three years after that episode, do you feel that, on the Times Opinion pages, are you regularly seeing pieces from every side of the political spectrum on the abortion debate? On business and economic questions? Social and political questions? I think you do. I’d argue that, under Katie [Kingsbury, who replaced Bennet], you’re seeing more of them than ever. I think you see that she’s just hired another conservative columnist, our first evangelical columnist, also a military veteran.
Would you hire a Trumpist on the Op-Ed page?This is a question I’ve been getting now for six years, and it’s a really tricky one. It’s trickier than it sounds, and I bet you have a suspicion on why. It is harder than you’d think to find the Trumpist who hasn’t, at some point, said, “The 2020 election was rigged, and Donald Trump won the election.”I get it. But a huge number, tens of millions of people, either tolerate that point of view or believe it.Yeah. But independence is not about “both sides.”So you would not have a Trumpist who said that at some point writing on your Op-Ed page?We would not have anyone who—But you’d have guest columnists like Tom Cotton—We certainly would not have a columnist who has a track record of saying things that are demonstrably untrue.
In this hyper-politicized, hyper-polarized moment, is society benefitting from every single player getting louder and louder about declaring their personal allegiances and loyalties and preferences? Or do you think there’s space for some actors who are really committed just to serving the public with the full story, let the facts fall where they may?
A. G. Sulzberger on the Battles Within and Against the New York Times
Isn’t That Spatial? | No Mercy / No Malice
Isn’t That Spatial? | No Mercy / No Malice
Betting against a first-generation Apple product is a bad trade — from infamous dismissals of the iPhone to disappointment with the original iPad. In fact, this is a reflection of Apple’s strategy: Start with a product that’s more an elegant proof-of-concept than a prime-time hit; rely on early adopters to provide enough runway for its engineers to keep iterating; and trust in unmatched capital, talent, brand equity, and staying power to morph a first-gen toy into a third-gen triumph
We are a long way from making three screens, a glass shield, and an array of supporting hardware light enough to wear for an extended period. Reviewers were (purposefully) allowed to wear the Vision Pro for less than half an hour, and nearly every one said comfort was declining even then. Avatar: The Way of Water is 3 hours and 12 minutes.
Meta’s singular strategic objective is to escape second-tier status and, like Apple and Alphabet, control its distribution. And its path to independence runs through Apple Park. Zuckerberg is spending the GDP of a small country to invent a new world, the metaverse, where Apple doesn’t own the roads or power stations. Vision Pro is insurance against the metaverse evolving into anything more than an incel panic room.
The only product category where VR makes difference is good VR games. Price is not limiting factor, the quality of VR experience is. Beat Saber is good and fun and physical exercise. Half Life: Alyx, is amazing. VR completely supercharges horror games, and scary stalking shooters. Want to fear of your life and get PTSD in the comfort of your home? You can do it. Games can connect people and provide physical exercise. If the 3rd iteration of Vision Pro is good for 2 hours of playing for $2000 Apple will kill the console market. Playstations no more. Apple is not a gaming company, but if Vision Pro becomes better and slightly cheaper, Apple becomes gaming company against its will.
Isn’t That Spatial? | No Mercy / No Malice
Theory of Constraints 102: The Illusion of Local Optima - Forte Labs
Theory of Constraints 102: The Illusion of Local Optima - Forte Labs
This discusses how trying to improve each part of a complex system can lead to an overall under-optimized system. It uses the example of a company where each department is like a section of pipe, with work flowing from left to right. If the Engineering department is the bottleneck, with the lowest staff and capacity, then the rule to "stay busy" will lead to local optima, with departments starting new projects to fill their capacity. This causes work to pile up at the bottleneck, leading to decreased throughput, conflict, and inefficiency. The only way to improve the system as a whole is to optimize the bottleneck, not each individual part.
Theory of Constraints 102: The Illusion of Local Optima - Forte Labs
“Ping Practice is a method I'm developing for translating everyday experiences into insights and actions that align with what you need and value.”
r/apolloapp - 📣 Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. ❤️
r/apolloapp - 📣 Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. ❤️
r/apolloapp - 📣 Apollo will close down on June 30th. Reddit’s recent decisions and actions have unfortunately made it impossible for Apollo to continue. Thank you so, so much for all the support over the years. ❤️
Design with SwiftUI - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer
Design with SwiftUI - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer
The products that we build contain complex flows and highly interactive elements. As a result, there's so many important decisions that we need to make. SwiftUI helps by quickly surfacing all of those important details that need your attention, for example, how an image should look when it's loading or how a button appears when it's pressed. These are the types of things that make a product feel complete. They're easily hidden in static design tools but are quickly surfaced when working in a dynamic tool like SwiftUI.That's because SwiftUI makes it easy to build your designs on device. In doing this, you gain a more complete understanding of what you're making. Separate parts now interact together, and you can begin to evaluate the experience as a whole. This process quickly reveals what's working in your design and what still needs attention or polish. On Maps, we've found this to be tremendously helpful.
Design with SwiftUI - WWDC23 - Videos - Apple Developer
Apple Vision
Apple Vision
Apple Vision is technically a VR device that experientially is an AR device, and it’s one of those solutions that, once you have experienced it, is so obviously the correct implementation that it’s hard to believe there was ever any other possible approach to the general concept of computerized glasses.
the Vision is taking that captured image, processing it, and displaying it in front of your eyes in around 4 milliseconds.
Real-time operating systems are used in embedded systems for applications with critical functionality, like a car, for example: it’s ok to have an infotainment system that sometimes hangs or even crashes, in exchange for more flexibility and capability, but the software that actually operates the vehicle has to be reliable and unfailingly fast. This is, in broad strokes, one way to think about how visionOS works: while the user experience is a time-sharing operating system that is indeed a variation of iOS, and runs on the M2 chip, there is a subsystem that primarily operates the R1 chip that is real-time; this means that even if visionOS hangs or crashes, the outside world is still rendered under that magic 12 milliseconds.
I’ll be honest: what this looked like to me was a divorced dad, alone at home with his Vision Pro, perhaps because his wife was irritated at the extent to which he got lost in his own virtual experience.
Apple Vision
Hands on with Apple’s Vision Pro: bringing the metaverse to life
Hands on with Apple’s Vision Pro: bringing the metaverse to life
Munster from Deepwater Asset Management said he was initially “shocked” by the $3,500 price point and drafted a note to clients emphasising his disappointment. After using it, he conceded his perspective had “totally” changed. “I think it’s priced right,” he said.
“I saw the presentation and thought it looked good but figured that when we tried it, we’d see the glitches,” said Francisco Jeronimo, analyst at IDC. “But my demo was completely perfect. Everything worked, like the product was ready to hit the stores. I was really impressed.”
Hands on with Apple’s Vision Pro: bringing the metaverse to life
The McDonald's Hot Coffee Lawsuit
The McDonald's Hot Coffee Lawsuit
part of a links roundup post
So, the real story isn't: "Old lady spills coffee and gets millions." It's "McDonald's ignores hundreds of dangerous incidents for years, then maims a customer for life and refuses to pay her medical bills or change its practices to avoid future incidents. A judge says she's due a fraction of the jury award, but she doesn't get it because McDonald's uses its massive litigation war-chest to force her into a confidential settlement."
The "bloodsucking lawyers preying on innocent corporations" story is a creation of the business lobby, which has, for decades, argued that it should be immune to legal consequences when it harms or kills the public. The cause of "tort reform" is, in actuality, a corporate charter of impunity.
The McDonald's Hot Coffee Lawsuit
Pluralistic: A business model for bankrupting the oil companies(06 June 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Pluralistic: A business model for bankrupting the oil companies(06 June 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Companies above a certain size become too big to fail and too big to jail. They capture their regulators and ensure that any damages the government extracts are less than their profits – a fine is a price. Juries, on the other hand, can and do really whack a company for its bad conduct. They understand that incentives matter. They understand that a company that saves $1,000,001 by cutting back on workplace safety can't be driven to improve its behavior by a fine of $1,000,000 after it kills a bunch of workers. If profit outstrips penalties, penalties aren't effective.
Medieval courts called this champerty; today, we call it litigation finance: investing in other peoples' grievances against deep-pocketed monsters, in the expectation of reaping huge cash payouts. On paper, litigation finance seems like a neat solution to a messy problem. The bigger a company is, the worse the abuses it commits – and the more it can be made to pay for its sins.
Litigation finance is a large and growing chunk of the finance sector. For about a decade, hedge funds and private equity have been bankrolling law-firms that represent people who've been mangled by corporations, keeping the money flowing through whatever delays and entanglements the target throws up
While a local lawyer can make a tidy living going after slip-and-falls and fender-benders, splitting the proceeds with their clients, a firm backed by a huge investment fund can do the same to companies with billions in the bank and hundreds of millions on the line.
Pluralistic: A business model for bankrupting the oil companies(06 June 2023) – Pluralistic: Daily links from Cory Doctorow
Leviathan Wakes: the case for Apple's Vision Pro - Redeem Tomorrow
Leviathan Wakes: the case for Apple's Vision Pro - Redeem Tomorrow
The existing VR hardware has not received sufficient investment to fully demonstrate the potential of this technology. It is unclear whether the issues lie with augmented reality (AR) itself or the technology used to deliver it. However, Apple has taken a different approach by investing significantly in creating a serious computer with an optical overlay as its primary interface. Unlike other expensive headsets, Apple has integrated the ecosystem to make it appealing right out of the box, allowing users to watch movies, view photos, and run various apps. This comprehensive solution aims to address the uncertainties surrounding AR. The display quality is top-notch, finger-based interaction replaces clunky joysticks, and performance is optimized to minimize motion sickness. Furthermore, a large and experienced developer community stands ready to create apps, supported by mature tools and extensive documentation. With these factors in place, there is anticipation for a new paradigm enabled by a virtually limitless monitor. The author expresses eagerness to witness how this technology unfolds.
What can you do with this thing? There’s a good chance that, whatever killer apps may emerge, they don’t need the entire complement of sensors and widgets to deliver a great experience. As that’s discovered, Apple will be able to open a second tier in this category and sell you a simplified model at a lower cost. Meanwhile, the more they manufacture the essentials—high density displays, for example—the higher their yields will become, the more their margins will increase. It takes time to perfect manufacturing processes and build up capacity. Vision Pro isn’t just about 2024’s model. It’s setting up the conditions for Apple to build the next five years of augmented reality wearable technology.
VR/AR doesn’t have to suck ass. It doesn’t have to give you motion sickness. It doesn’t have to use these awkward, stupid controllers you accidentally swap into the wrong hand. It doesn’t have to be fundamentally isolating. If this paradigm shift could have been kicked off by cheap shit, we’d be there already. May as well pursue the other end of the market.
what starts as clunky needn’t remain so. As the technology for augmented reality becomes more affordable, more lightweight, more energy efficient, more stylish, it will be more feasible for more people to use. In the bargain, we’ll get a display technology entirely unshackled from the constraints of a monitor stand. We’ll have much broader canvases subject to the flexibility of digital creativity, collaboration and expression. What this unlocks, we can’t say.
Leviathan Wakes: the case for Apple's Vision Pro - Redeem Tomorrow
Virtual reality for philanthropy: A promising tool to innovate fundraising | Judgment and Decision Making | Cambridge Core
Virtual reality for philanthropy: A promising tool to innovate fundraising | Judgment and Decision Making | Cambridge Core

People feel stronger emotions when they can see a vivid, immersive VR depiction of people who need help.

The International Committee of the Red Cross conducted an experimental study to examine whether virtual reality (VR) could be used to improve fundraising efforts. Results showed that VR led to an increase in donations and a higher reported likelihood of becoming regular donors. Additionally, emotional feelings and quality of the experience were improved, and a physiological increase in arousal was observed. This study provides evidence that VR could be an effective tool to innovate fundraising.

Virtual reality for philanthropy: A promising tool to innovate fundraising | Judgment and Decision Making | Cambridge Core
“Recycle Me!” Product Anthropomorphism Can Increase Recycling Behavior | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
“Recycle Me!” Product Anthropomorphism Can Increase Recycling Behavior | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research

People empathize with humanlike products. When they need to dispose them, recycling feels more humane than throwing them away.

This text presents research that suggests anthropomorphizing product characteristics can lead to increased consumer recycling. Five studies, including lab and online studies and a field experiment, were conducted to explore the connection between anthropomorphism and recycling. The results suggest that anthropomorphism elicits both affective (empathy) and cognitive reactions (an abstract construal level) which can lead to increased recycling. The implications of this research for sustainable consumption and addressing climate change are discussed.

“Recycle Me!” Product Anthropomorphism Can Increase Recycling Behavior | Journal of the Association for Consumer Research