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Flow state - Why fragmented thinking is worse than any interruption
Flow state - Why fragmented thinking is worse than any interruption
Both arts and athletics involve a lot of deft physical movement, and I could see why professionals in those fields would benefit from learning to resist overthinking so they can “just do it.”  Almost every profession involves some need for focus, however, so you can see why, over time, the idea of a flow state breached its original limits. Now, “flow state” has all sorts of associations—some scientific, some folk, and some a mix of both. For many, the term has just become a dressed-up version of focusing.
A 2023 study found, for example, that there is a huge range of barriers to flow—many of which aren’t just interruptions from coworkers. They categorized these as situational barriers, such as interruptions and distractions; personal barriers, such as the work being too challenging or not challenging enough; and interpersonal barriers, such as poor management and poor team dynamics.
A 2018 study found, in addition, that the most disruptive interruptions aren’t external—they’re internal. 81% of the participants predicted internal interruptions would be worse, but they were wrong. “Self-interruptions,” the researchers wrote, “make task switching and interruptions more disruptive by negatively impacting the length of the suspension period and the number of nested interruptions.”
But because no one literally interrupted your work, you might be unaware of the costs of that rote, mundane work. You might even castigate yourself over the day for not getting the work done: You fought for a distraction-free day, got it, and you have nothing to show for it. It can feel bad.
a seemingly individual problem, staying focused, is often downstream from an organizational problem.
Flow state - Why fragmented thinking is worse than any interruption
Why does every job feel like someone is just passing the buck? : r/ExperiencedDevs
Why does every job feel like someone is just passing the buck? : r/ExperiencedDevs
The last three jobs I've held in the last 5 years have all felt like someone just handing me the keys to a sinking boat before they jump off. Every job is sold as having at least some greenfield development where you can "own" the domain and "lead" the direction of the project, but once you accept the offer and get on-boarded, you realize that the system is so brittle that any change will completely break and cause incidents, and there is a year's worth of backlog issues to address with duck-tape and glue before you could even consider fixing the fundamental problems.
Often the teams that built these systems are long gone, so there is nobody to ask for help when you're learning the rough edges, you're just on your own. The technology decisions are all completely set in stone because we could never justify the risk of making changes. There is so much tech debt and maintenance work, we don't really have time to do any new development with the current staffing levels. The job then becomes dominated by on-call responsibilities and fire-fighting. It's 90% toil, and almost zero actual system design and development work.
Being responsible for a whole system that you didn't build, that you know is brittle and broken, but which you cannot fix, is incredibly stressful. It's almost a hopeless situation.
Why does every job feel like someone is just passing the buck? : r/ExperiencedDevs
Technical debt - Wikipedia
Technical debt - Wikipedia
In software development, technical debt (also known as design debt[1] or code debt) is the implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy (limited) solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.[2] Analogous with monetary debt,[3] if technical debt is not repaid, it can accumulate "interest", making it harder to implement changes. Unaddressed technical debt increases software entropy and cost of further rework.
Common causes of technical debt include: Ongoing development, long series of project enhancements over time renders old solutions sub-optimal.
When I think about Adobe's reliance on entrenched menu panels and new menus with new/inconsistent interfaces I think of this. They've lasted so long that new features are all stapled on as menus instead of integrated throughout the whole system. Some ideas require a rethink of the whole interface, something Adobe can't afford because they're moving too much and don't have the resources to dedicate to soemthing of that scale?
Parallel development on multiple branches accrues technical debt because of the work required to merge the changes into a single source base. The more changes done in isolation, the more debt.
Similarly, this reminds me of the Gmail redesign's "blue-gate" where designers on Twitter pointed out how many different tones of Blue were in different aspects of the redesign. It seemed apparent that each component of the interface had it's own dedicated team, and the inconsistencies in appearance/interface design came from non-thorough communication between the teams.
Technical debt - Wikipedia