Three Futures |
How not to be a "white in shining armor" - The GiveWell Blog
On dreams and those who live them |
Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012 | Flickr - P
Twitter / Marthalanefox: Hung out in my fathers bea ...
How to suck at your religion - The Oatmeal
BBC - Mark Kermode's film blog: Film Club Responses
Five Men Agree To Stand Directly Under An Exploding Nuclear Bomb : Krulwich
Inbox - - Gmail
Film4 | Channel 4
The Olympic Spirit, British Style: When Will This Nightmare End? (Published 2012)
Amazing Surreal Artworks by Igor Morski - My Modern Metropolis
A Dynamic and Skilled Health Workforce Is Key to Universal Health Coverage
Owner of spoof Northcliffe boss Twitter account prepares US legal challenge
London 2012: time to find out who we are | Sport | The Guardian
Sadly, Nation Knows Exactly How Colorado Shooting's Aftermath Will Play Out
IPS – Making it Compulsory to Have Women in Ghana’s Parliament | Inter Pres
Large collection of default spam-comments from a slimy SEO tool - Boing Boi
I assume the Open University isn’t expecting many applicants from England…
Stop Motion Music Video Featuring 500 Girls Holding iPads
Editorial Staff - Q&A: Iain Banks | New Humanist
Twitter / JoeTheDough: Chicken Caesar salad. No J
Photo by joethedough • Instagram
Douchey Account Guy
Will a decline in table manners lead to a rise in murder? No: but it's not
30 Outstanding Animal Pictures by Tambako the Jaguar
Magnificent Maps: Power, Propaganda and Art - Stephen Walter's The Island