Police education in the United Kingdom: challenges and future directions.
Book Chapter - Shohel, M. M. C. et al. In: Education, human rights and peace in sustainable development. Edited by Maigul Nugmanova, Heimo Mikkola, Alexander Rozanov and Valentina Komleva. London: IntechOpen.
Learning within formal mentoring relationships : what mentees and mentors learn at different phases of the mentoring life-cycle and factors that moderate the learning process.
Thesis - Jones, J. 2016. PHD thesis, University of Wolverhampton.
To what extent can the impact of coaching be effectively measured within a regional policing collaboration and how could the development of an evaluation model enhance the professional development and welfare of staff?
Thesis - Hipkins, E. 2018. Postgraduate Certificate, The University of St Mark and St John.