Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment

Leadership- Introduction to Coaching, Mentoring and Assessment

Learning within formal mentoring relationships : what mentees and mentors learn at different phases of the mentoring life-cycle and factors that moderate the learning process.
Learning within formal mentoring relationships : what mentees and mentors learn at different phases of the mentoring life-cycle and factors that moderate the learning process.
Thesis - Jones, J. 2016. PHD thesis, University of Wolverhampton.
Learning within formal mentoring relationships : what mentees and mentors learn at different phases of the mentoring life-cycle and factors that moderate the learning process.
To what extent can the impact of coaching be effectively measured within a regional policing collaboration and how could the development of an evaluation model enhance the professional development and welfare of staff?
To what extent can the impact of coaching be effectively measured within a regional policing collaboration and how could the development of an evaluation model enhance the professional development and welfare of staff?
Thesis - Hipkins, E. 2018. Postgraduate Certificate, The University of St Mark and St John.
To what extent can the impact of coaching be effectively measured within a regional policing collaboration and how could the development of an evaluation model enhance the professional development and welfare of staff?