Occupation under siege: resolving mental health crisis in police work.Book - Violanti, J. M. 2021. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas.Mental Health Wellbeing#Mental health#Police Wellbeing·library.college.police.uk·Jan 5, 2023Occupation under siege: resolving mental health crisis in police work.
Trauma, critical incidents, organizational and operational stressors: The relationship between harms and psychological outcomes for police.Article - Drew, J. & Williamson, H. 2024. Police Quarterley.Mental Health Wellbeing#Trauma#Police Wellbeing·journals.sagepub.com·Sep 12, 2024Trauma, critical incidents, organizational and operational stressors: The relationship between harms and psychological outcomes for police.
Police trauma, loss and resilience.eBook - Papazoglou, P. P. et al. 2022. Lausanne: Frontiers Media.#Police Wellbeing#Mental health#Wellbeing·search.ebscohost.com·Jan 5, 2023Police trauma, loss and resilience.
The prevalence of depression, anxiety, stress and their relationship to length of service in the UK police force.Earlycite - Gullon-Scott, P. and Longstaff, L. The Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 27 November, 2022.#Anxiety#Stress#Mental health#Police Wellbeing·journals.sagepub.com·Jan 5, 2023The prevalence of depression, anxiety, stress and their relationship to length of service in the UK police force.
Challenges in mental health and policing: key themes and perspectives.Book, Cummins, I. Bristol: BUP. 2022.Mental Health Wellbeing#Mental health#Police Wellbeing·library.college.police.uk·Aug 4, 2022Challenges in mental health and policing: key themes and perspectives.
Let it go: breathe yourself calm.Audio Book - Dennis, R. 2021. London: Random House.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 26, 2022Let it go: breathe yourself calm.
The man who mistook his job for his life. How to thrive at work by leaving your emotional baggage behind.Audio Book - Shragai, N. 2021. London: Random House.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 26, 2022The man who mistook his job for his life. How to thrive at work by leaving your emotional baggage behind.
Cognitive behaviour therapy made simple.Audio Book - Carlton, C. P. and Henton, L. 2021. Solon: Charles P. Carlton.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 26, 2022Cognitive behaviour therapy made simple.
Inner game of stress: the ultimate guide on coping with stress, learn how effective methods to eliminate stress so you can think with a clear mind.Audio Book - Hughes, L. 2020. London: Author's Republic.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Stress·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 26, 2022Inner game of stress: the ultimate guide on coping with stress, learn how effective methods to eliminate stress so you can think with a clear mind.
Self-care prescription: the powerful solutions to manage stress, reduce anxiety and increase well-being.Audio Book - Goblin, R. L. and Abbott-Pratt, J. 2019. Ashland, Oregon: Blackstone Audio.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 26, 2022Self-care prescription: the powerful solutions to manage stress, reduce anxiety and increase well-being.
Triggers: how can we stop reacting and start healing.Audio Book - Richo, D. 2020. Old Saybrook, Connecticut: Tantor Media.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 14, 2022Triggers: how can we stop reacting and start healing.
Coping with anxiety.Audio Book - Bourne, E. 2016. Swansea, Massachusetts: Vibrance.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 14, 2022Coping with anxiety.
Sleep: harness the power of sleep for optimal health and wellbeing.Audio Book - Hawker, P. 2020. London: DK.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 14, 2022Sleep: harness the power of sleep for optimal health and wellbeing.
Overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts.Audio Book - Winston, S. M. and Seif, M. N. 2017. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·policing.axis360.baker-taylor.com·Apr 14, 2022Overcoming unwanted intrusive thoughts.
Redefining trauma: understanding and coping with a cortisoaked brain.eBook - Wright, S. E. 2020. Abingdon: Routledge.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Trauma·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Redefining trauma: understanding and coping with a cortisoaked brain.
Breaking free from depression: pathways to wellness.eBook - Wright, J. H. 2001. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Breaking free from depression: pathways to wellness.
Overcoming anxiety, stress and panic: a five areas approach. (3rd ed.)eBook - Williams, C. 2012. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC,Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Overcoming anxiety, stress and panic: a five areas approach. (3rd ed.)
Your brain on food: how chemicals control your thoughts and feelings. (3rd ed.)eBook - Wenk, G. L. 2019. Oxford: Oxford University Press.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Your brain on food: how chemicals control your thoughts and feelings. (3rd ed.)
Cognitive behavioral coping skills workbook for PTSD.eBook - Tull, M. T. et al. 2017. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#PTSD·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Cognitive behavioral coping skills workbook for PTSD.
The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook for PTSD: practical exercises for overcoming trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.eBook - Reutter, K. 2019. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#PTSD·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022The dialectical behavior therapy skills workbook for PTSD: practical exercises for overcoming trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder.
Post-traumatic stress. (2nd ed.)eBook - Regel, S. 2017, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#PTSD·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Post-traumatic stress. (2nd ed.)
Overcoming trauma and PTSD.eBook - Raja, S. 2012. Oakland, California.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#PTSD#Trauma·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Overcoming trauma and PTSD.
The everything guide to anger management: proven techniques to understand and control anger.eBook - Puff, R. 2014. London: Adams Media.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022The everything guide to anger management: proven techniques to understand and control anger.
Policing stress on the homefront: how law enforcement couples can combat mental illness as a team.eBook - Burke, J. 2019. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Policing stress on the homefront: how law enforcement couples can combat mental illness as a team.
Mindfulness for insomnia: a four-week guided program to relax your body, calm your mind, and get the sleep you need.eBook - Polan Orzech, C. and Moorcroft, W. H. 2019. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Mindfulness for insomnia: a four-week guided program to relax your body, calm your mind, and get the sleep you need.
Power: police officer wellness, ethics, and resilience.eBook - Papazoglou, K. 2019. London: Academic Press.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Power: police officer wellness, ethics, and resilience.
Postnatal depression: facing the paradox of loss, happiness and motherhood.eBook - Nicholson, P. 2011. Chichester: John Wiley.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Depression·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Postnatal depression: facing the paradox of loss, happiness and motherhood.
Finding your best self: recovery from addiction, trauma or both. (Rev. ed.)eBook - Najavits, L. M. 2019. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Trauma·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Finding your best self: recovery from addiction, trauma or both. (Rev. ed.)
Experiencing compassion-focused therapy from the inside out.eBook - Kotts, R. L. 2018. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022Experiencing compassion-focused therapy from the inside out.
The body keeps the score: mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma.eBook - van der Kiolk, B. 2015. London: Penguin,Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care·library.college.police.uk·Apr 14, 2022The body keeps the score: mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma.