The everything guide to anger management: proven techniques to understand and control anger.eBook - Puff, R. 2014. London: Adams Media.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 14, 2022The everything guide to anger management: proven techniques to understand and control anger.
Policing stress on the homefront: how law enforcement couples can combat mental illness as a team.eBook - Burke, J. 2019. Bloomington, Indiana: AuthorHouse.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 14, 2022Policing stress on the homefront: how law enforcement couples can combat mental illness as a team.
Power: police officer wellness, ethics, and resilience.eBook - Papazoglou, K. 2019. London: Academic Press.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 14, 2022Power: police officer wellness, ethics, and resilience.
Mindfulness for insomnia: a four-week guided program to relax your body, calm your mind, and get the sleep you need.eBook - Polan Orzech, C. and Moorcroft, W. H. 2019. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 14, 2022Mindfulness for insomnia: a four-week guided program to relax your body, calm your mind, and get the sleep you need.
Postnatal depression: facing the paradox of loss, happiness and motherhood.eBook - Nicholson, P. 2011. Chichester: John Wiley.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Depression··Apr 14, 2022Postnatal depression: facing the paradox of loss, happiness and motherhood.
Finding your best self: recovery from addiction, trauma or both. (Rev. ed.)eBook - Najavits, L. M. 2019. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Trauma··Apr 14, 2022Finding your best self: recovery from addiction, trauma or both. (Rev. ed.)
Experiencing compassion-focused therapy from the inside out.eBook - Kotts, R. L. 2018. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 14, 2022Experiencing compassion-focused therapy from the inside out.
The body keeps the score: mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma.eBook - van der Kiolk, B. 2015. London: Penguin,Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 14, 2022The body keeps the score: mind, brain and body in the transformation of trauma.
I love a cop: what police families need to know. (3rd ed.)eBook - Kirschman, E. 2018. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 13, 2022I love a cop: what police families need to know. (3rd ed.)
Practical mindfulness: a step-by-step guide.eBook - Verni, K, A. 2017. London: Penguin.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Mindfulness··Apr 13, 2022Practical mindfulness: a step-by-step guide.
PTSD behavioral activation workbook.eBook - Jakupcak, M. et al. 2019. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#PTSD··Apr 13, 2022PTSD behavioral activation workbook.
Mindfulness workbook for OCD: a guide to overcoming obsessions and compulsions using mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy.eBook - Hershfield, J. 2013. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 13, 2022Mindfulness workbook for OCD: a guide to overcoming obsessions and compulsions using mindfulness and cognitive behavioral therapy.
Overcoming anxiety: reassuring ways to break free from stress and worry and lead a calmer life.eBook - Hasson, G. 2015. Mankato, Minnesota: CapStone.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety··Apr 13, 2022Overcoming anxiety: reassuring ways to break free from stress and worry and lead a calmer life.
How to relax.eBook - Hanh, T. N. 2015. Berkeley, California: Parallax.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 13, 2022How to relax.
Mind over mood: change how you feel by changing the way you think. (2nd ed.)eBook - Greenberger, D. 2015. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 13, 2022Mind over mood: change how you feel by changing the way you think. (2nd ed.)
Walk the talk - first responder peer support: a boots-on-the-ground peer and trauma support systems guide.eBook - Gravel, S. 2016. Pennsauken, New Jersey: BookBaby.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Trauma··Apr 13, 2022Walk the talk - first responder peer support: a boots-on-the-ground peer and trauma support systems guide.
Helping Your Family Through PTSD.eBook - Gifford, G. E. 2017. Searcy, Arkansas: Resource.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#PTSD··Apr 13, 2022Helping Your Family Through PTSD.
The mindful path to self-compassion: freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions.eBook - Germer, C. 2017. New York: Guilford.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 13, 2022The mindful path to self-compassion: freeing yourself from destructive thoughts and emotions.
When the body says no: understanding the stress-disease connection.eBook - Gabor, M. 2011. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 13, 2022When the body says no: understanding the stress-disease connection.
Overcoming alcohol misuse: a 30-day guide.eBook - Farren. C. 2011. Dublin: Orpen.Mental Health Wellbeing#Addiction··Apr 13, 2022Overcoming alcohol misuse: a 30-day guide.
Coping with shyness and social phobia: a guide to understanding and overcoming social anxiety.eBook - Crozier, R. W. and Alden, L. E. 2009. London: Bloomsbury Professional.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety··Apr 13, 2022Coping with shyness and social phobia: a guide to understanding and overcoming social anxiety.
Hope with depression: a self-help guide for those affected and their families, friends and carers.eBook - Crilly, L. 2020. London: Hammersmith Health Books,Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Depression··Apr 13, 2022Hope with depression: a self-help guide for those affected and their families, friends and carers.
Hope with anxiety: a self-help guide for those affected and their families, friends and carers.eBook - Crilly, L. 2020. London: Hammersmith Health Books.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety··Apr 13, 2022Hope with anxiety: a self-help guide for those affected and their families, friends and carers.
Increasing resilience in police and emergency personnel: strengthening your mental armor.eBook - Conn, S. M. 2018. Abingdon: Routledge.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care··Apr 13, 2022Increasing resilience in police and emergency personnel: strengthening your mental armor.
Anxiety and phobia workbook. (6th ed.)eBook - Bourne, E. J. 2015. Oakland, California: New Harbinger.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety··Apr 13, 2022Anxiety and phobia workbook. (6th ed.)
Do I need a therapist: unpacking the fear and confusion around seeking help for our mental health.eBook - Bottomley, D. 2021. London: Hero.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Mental health··Apr 13, 2022Do I need a therapist: unpacking the fear and confusion around seeking help for our mental health.
When trauma survivors return to work: understanding emotional recovery : a handbook for managers and co-workers.eBook - Barski-Carrow, B. 2010. Lanham, Maryland: Unversity Press of America.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Trauma··Apr 13, 2022When trauma survivors return to work: understanding emotional recovery : a handbook for managers and co-workers.
Understanding trauma: how to overcome post traumatic stress.eBook - Baker, R. 2010. Oxford: Lion.Mental Health Wellbeing#Police Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#PTSD··Apr 13, 2022Understanding trauma: how to overcome post traumatic stress.
Understanding panic attacks and overcoming fear. (3rd ed.)eBook - Baker, R. 2011. Oxford: Lion.Mental Health Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Anxiety#Wellbeing··Apr 13, 2022Understanding panic attacks and overcoming fear. (3rd ed.)
How to treat chronic insomnia. a self-help manual.eBook - Ambrogetti, A. 2013. Charlestown: Smashwords.Mental Health Wellbeing#Resilience#Self-Care#Wellbeing··Apr 13, 2022How to treat chronic insomnia. a self-help manual.