Resilience: how to cope when everything around you keeps changing.EBook - Webb, L. 2013. Minnesota: Capstone.#Wellbeing#Stress··Feb 23, 2023Resilience: how to cope when everything around you keeps changing.
The impact of workplace stressors on exhaustion and work engagement in policing.Article - Lockey, S et al. Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 7 May 2021.#UK policing#Stress#Mental health#Wellbeing··May 26, 2021The impact of workplace stressors on exhaustion and work engagement in policing.
'We are fighting a tide that keeps coming against us': a mixed method exploration of stressors in an English county police force.Article - Jackman, P.C. et al. Police Practice & Research. 2021, Vol. 22 no. 1, , p.370-388.#Wellbeing#UK policing#Stress#Mental health··May 26, 2021'We are fighting a tide that keeps coming against us': a mixed method exploration of stressors in an English county police force.
Special issue: stress, health, and wellness in policing: understanding and addressing complex issues.Journal edition - Rineer, J. R. et al. Policing: An International Journal. 2021, Vol. 44 Issue 2.#Mental health#Stress#UK policing#Wellbeing#Mindfulness··May 26, 2021Special issue: stress, health, and wellness in policing: understanding and addressing complex issues.