A pirate code, pirate articles, or articles of agreement were a code of conduct for governing ships of pirates, notably between the 17th and 18th centuries, during the so-called "Golden Age of Piracy". The typical pirate crew was an unorthodox mixture of former sailors, escaped convicts, disillusioned men, and possibly escapee or former slaves, among others, looking for wealth at any cost; once aboard a seafaring vessel, the group would draw-up their own ship- and crew-specific code, which listed and described the crew's policies surrounding pirate behavior and the associated disciplinary action, should a code be violated. Failing to honor the code could get a pirate marooned, whipped, beaten, or even executed. For less serious violations, a pirate may have been temporarily denied equal food rations, or made to clean or maintain parts of the ship for a time. Primarily, these articles were designed to keep order aboard the ship, avoid dissension or mutinies, and ensure the crews' loyalty, all of which was crucial to the group's mutual survival.
Alabama says they are safe enough for KFC, but too dangerous for parole
Inmates who are denied parole are going to work in a system that generates millions for the state each year, a system that’s been called a “modern-day form of slavery."
“Remember to imagine and craft the worlds you cannot live without, just as you dismantle the worlds you cannot live within.”Ruha Benjamin This guide contains resources on the abolition of policing,…
The philosophy of Hamas in the writings of Yahya Sinwar
The concepts of self-sacrifice, asceticism, and security awareness were crucial to Yahya Sinwar’s philosophy of resistance. The revolt that culminated with October 7 was the direct application of his political thought.
Revealed: The Israeli Spies Writing America's News
Media personalities like Barak Ravid, an ex-Israeli spy turned Washington journalist, play a key role in shaping media coverage that protects Israeli military actions and influences unwitting American audiences., Barak Ravid, Barak Ravid spy, Biden administration, Israel-Palestine conflict, Israeli intelligence, Israeli media influence, Media Manipulation, media whitewashing, pro-Israel bias, U.S. media bias, U.S.-Israel relations, UNIT 8200, White House press corps,
A Secretive ICE Program Trains Civilians on Firearms and Surveillance
ICE recruits civilians to role play as agents for a secretive public relations initiative that trains them to shoot firearms, conduct surveillance, and use lethal force.
Human rights violations against Palestinians by Israel - Wikipedia
According to the United States Department of State[a] and international, Palestinian and Israeli human rights organizations, there have been credible reports of human rights violations committed against Palestinians by Israel, some amounting to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
Inside Ziklag, the Secret Organization of Wealthy Christians Trying to Sway the Election and Change the Country
The little-known charity is backed by famous conservative donors, including the families behind Hobby Lobby and Uline. It’s spending millions to make a big political push for this election — but it may be violating the law.
HOW TO EFFECTIVELY SHARE ON SOCIAL MEDIA This war is a game-changer for Israel’s image. It’s time to change the traditional Hasbara mindset. There’s no need to “explain” the situation or advocate for Israel’s policies against Hamas. The world is overwhelmingly with us right now (mainly in Western countries, even including those that are usually […]
Making collective decisions & navigating conflict are core activist skills. Conflict is usually viewed as an impediment to reaching agreements to peaceful relationships.
Your Right to Discuss Wages | National Labor Relations Board
Under the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA or the Act), employees have the right to communicate with other employees at their workplace about their wages. Wages are a vital term and condition of employment, and discussions of wages are often preliminary to organizing or other actions for mutual aid or protection.
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”on” _builder_version=”3.22″ background_image=”http://goinghorizontal.co/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/gh_background-src_teal.png”][et_pb_fullwidth_header title=”Resource commons – Helping each other grow horizontal ways of organizing” subhead=”Download free resources developed by the community. Share resources that you develop. These resources […]
Welcome to Rabbithole’s Metagovernance Pod! This workspace is for Pathfinders interested in building a sustainable metagovernance practice, creating positive-sum outcomes in protocols + communities adjacent to Rabbtihole through democratic governance. Our Metagovernance Pod has 2 main goals: a) Become a recognized metagovernance leader in the web3 ecosystem b) Educate new + experienced contributors about what metagovernance is and ways they can get involved Any questions? DM Justine (justine#3900) or Zach (ZD#0036) in Discord!
Who decides who decides? How to start a group so everyone can have a voice
A book for starting groups with sociocracy - a step-by-step guide for governance and decision-making that's clear and inclusive. For startups, activist groups, any kind of group that cares about their own purpose and their process.
Call it a manifesto... Call it a political program... Call it whatever you want! These are the core principles and objectives of Black Socialists in America. This is what we stand on.
Fantasy Congress - Fantasy sports for US politics | Product Hunt
Step aside fantasy football! There's a new way to play. Draft members of Congress for your team, score points from their actions, and get the most points during your season to win. Fantasy Congress is a blast with friends, and you might learn a thing or two!