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Informal value transfer system
Informal value transfer system
An informal value transfer system (IVTS) is any system, mechanism, or network of people that receives money for the purpose of making the funds or an equivalent value payable to a third party in another geographic location, whether or not in the same form. Informal value transfers generally take place outside of the conventional banking system through non-bank financial institution or other business entities whose primary business activity may not be the transmission of money. The IVTS transactions occasionally interconnect with formal banking systems, such as through the use of bank accoun...
Informal value transfer system
Anarchist economics
Anarchist economics
Anarchist economics is the set of theories and practices of economic activity within the political philosophy of anarchism. With the exception of anarcho-capitalists who accept private ownership of the means of production, anarchists are anti-capitalists.[1][2][3] They argue that its characteristic institutions promote and reproduce various forms of economic activity which they consider oppressive, including private property, hierarchical production relations, collecting rents from private property, taking a profit in exchanges and collecting interest on loans.[1...
Anarchist economics
Free-market anarchism
Free-market anarchism
Free-market anarchism,[1] or market anarchism,[2] also known as free-market anti-capitalism[3] and free-market socialism,[4][5][6] is the branch of anarchism that advocates a free-market economic system based on voluntary interactions without the involvement of the state. A form of individualist anarchism,[7] left-libertarianism[3][8] and libertarian socialism,[4][5] it is based on the economic theories of mutualism and individualist anarchism in the United States.[3] Left-wing market anarchism i...
Free-market anarchism
Mixed economy
Mixed economy
A mixed economy is variously defined as an economic system blending elements of market economies with elements of planned economies, free markets with state interventionism, or private enterprise with public enterprise.[1] There is no single definition of a mixed economy.[2] One definition is about a mixture of markets with state interventionism, referring to capitalist market economies with strong regulatory oversight, interventionist policies and governmental provision of public services. Another definition is political in nature and strictly refers to an economy containin...
Mixed economy
Public economics
Public economics
Public economics (or economics of the public sector) is the study of government policy through the lens of economic efficiency and equity. Public economics builds on the theory of welfare economics and is ultimately used as a tool to improve social welfare.
Public economics