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Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History
Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History
The Zinn Education Project promotes and supports the teaching of people’s history in middle and high school classrooms across the country. Based on the lens of history highlighted in Howard Zinn’s best-selling book A People’s History of the United States, the website offers free, downloadable lessons and articles organized by theme, time period, and reading level.
Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History
Frontiers | Analysis of the Potentials of Blockchain for the Governance of Global Digital Commons | Blockchain
Frontiers | Analysis of the Potentials of Blockchain for the Governance of Global Digital Commons | Blockchain
In recent years, the increasing need for global coordination has attracted interest in the governance of global-scale commons. In the current context, we observe how online applications are ubiquitous, and how emerging technologies enable new capabilities while reshaping sectors. Thus, it is pertinent to ask: could blockchain technologies facilitate the extension and scaling up of cooperative practices and commons management in this global context? In order to address this question, we propose a focus on the most paradigmatic and widely successful examples of global cooperation: global digital commons. Examples of these are the digital resources maintained by large peer production communities, such as free/libre open source software and Wikipedia. Thus, this article identifies and analyzes the potentialities of blockchain to support the sustainability and management of global digital commons. Our approach draws on Elinor Ostrom’s classic principles for commons governance, although revisiting and adapting these to the more challenging scope of global digital commons. Thus, in this work we identify the affordances which blockchain provides (e.g., tokenization, formalization of rules, transparency or codification of trust) to support the effective management of this type of global commons. As part of our analysis, we provide numerous examples of existing blockchain projects using affordances in line with each principle, as well as potential integrations of such affordances in...
Frontiers | Analysis of the Potentials of Blockchain for the Governance of Global Digital Commons | Blockchain
Experience Map - Your Guide to Experience Mapping
Experience Map - Your Guide to Experience Mapping
Your ultimate guide to for how to map winning experiences. An Experience Map is a visual representation of a customer’s literal experience with your business. It’s a physical map that shows what the customer does, what they feel, and what they think along every step of the way.
Experience Map - Your Guide to Experience Mapping