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UX And HTML5: Let’s Help Users Fill In Your Mobile Form (Part 1)
UX And HTML5: Let’s Help Users Fill In Your Mobile Form (Part 1)
Do you test your forms on real users and real devices? If not, you should. Let’s take a look at some of the techniques that can help you take your forms to the next level and help users fill them in.
UX And HTML5: Let’s Help Users Fill In Your Mobile Form (Part 1)
bliki: Yagni
bliki: Yagni
Yagni ("You Aren't Gonna Need It") is the principle that we should not build presumptive features. It should not be used as a justification for neglecting internal quality.
bliki: Yagni
Incident postmortem for July 19: what happened and what’s next
Incident postmortem for July 19: what happened and what’s next
On July 19, CircleCI faced a sitewide outage which left thousands of teams unable to test and deploy builds for the better part of a day. This outage affected the productivity of many development teams, and surely caused a few missed deadlines. We value the trust our customers place in us, and are deeply sorry for the effect this had on their work. For those interested, we want to give more details as to what happened, why it happened, and what we’re doing about it.
Incident postmortem for July 19: what happened and what’s next
Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server - RHD Blog
Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server - RHD Blog
Kubernetes and related technologies, such as Red Hat OpenShift and Istio, provide the non-functional requirements that used to be part of an application server and the additional capabilities described in this article. Does that mean application servers are dead?
Why Kubernetes is The New Application Server - RHD Blog
Things You Should Never Do, Part I
Things You Should Never Do, Part I
Netscape 6.0 is finally going into its first public beta. There never was a version 5.0. The last major release, version 4.0, was released almost three years ago. Three years is an awfully long tim…
Things You Should Never Do, Part I
5 Red Flags Signaling Your Rebuild Will Fail
5 Red Flags Signaling Your Rebuild Will Fail
There’s always a reason to rebuild. Perhaps you’re a CEO of a startup that’s had some success and your engineers are clamoring to replatform and do a rewrite from scratch. Perhaps you’re an executive or IT lead and you’re counting the cost of pulling the trigger on a rewrite of a legacy application. Perhaps you’re a lead engineer in the midst of a rebuild and are having second thoughts (am I crazy?). Regardless of where you’re at, you likely already know that talk of rebuilds, like talk of tax reform or anarchy, is just a tad bit dangerous—you never know what kind of danger you’ll end up in...
5 Red Flags Signaling Your Rebuild Will Fail
Fedora CoreOS, Red Hat CoreOS, and the future of Container Linux | CoreOS
Fedora CoreOS, Red Hat CoreOS, and the future of Container Linux | CoreOS
In recent months, we've talked about our plans for Red Hat CoreOS, the new immutable, container-centric operating system bringing automated operations to Red Hat OpenShift. This week, the Fedora project announced the official launch of the Fedora CoreOS project, a new open source community effort under the Fedora banner.
Fedora CoreOS, Red Hat CoreOS, and the future of Container Linux | CoreOS
Simple, correct, fast: in that order
Simple, correct, fast: in that order
The single most important quality in a piece of software is simplicity. It’s more important than doing the task you set out to achieve. It’s more important than performance. The reason is straightforward: if your solution is not simple, it will not be correct or fast.
Simple, correct, fast: in that order
Currents: A quarterly report on developer trends in the cloud
Currents: A quarterly report on developer trends in the cloud
Trends in the developer community move quickly. As a developer-focused company, it's vital for us to keep up with the technologies and tools that developers and their teams are interested in so we can help them achieve their goals.
Currents: A quarterly report on developer trends in the cloud
Why Mastercard Doesn't Use OAuth 2.0
Why Mastercard Doesn't Use OAuth 2.0
There are fundamental differences between OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 1.0a that Mastercard considers crucial for security OAuth 2.0 is designed for authorization only and could leave us vulnerable to account takeover / impersonation attacks OAuth 1.0a includes authentication and authorization, which our Mastercard Developers APIs need to process critically sensitive data
Why Mastercard Doesn't Use OAuth 2.0
"Stylish" browser extension steals all your internet history | Robert Heaton
"Stylish" browser extension steals all your internet history | Robert Heaton
Before it became a covert surveillance tool disguised as an outstanding browser extension, Stylish really was an outstanding browser extension. It bestowed upon its users nothing less than the power to change the appearance of the internet. Its extensive bank of user-made skins gave bright websites a dark background, undid disliked UI changes, and added manga pictures to everything that wasn’t a manga picture already. I spent many wonderful hours in its simple CSS editor, hiding the distracting parts of the web whilst unknowingly being spied on. Facebook news feed...
"Stylish" browser extension steals all your internet history | Robert Heaton