Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#Content #Trends #trends
Our Top B2B Content Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2020
Our Top B2B Content Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2020
I am fully aware of my bias towards content marketing, but I think EB pros can learn a lot from them. So here are top thought leaders in the content space giving their predictions for 2020. Things to note: Trust as a social process, deeper investment in video AND AUDIO (you mean like podcasts?), leveraging data into the content planning process, and email newsletter making a comeback.
Our Top B2B Content Marketing Trends & Predictions for 2020
The Evolution of Content Marketing: How It's Changed and Where It's Going in the Next Decade
The Evolution of Content Marketing: How It's Changed and Where It's Going in the Next Decade
Predictions on how content marketing will likely change in the near term is a guidebook for all your employer brand tactics (what, did you not know you're a content marketer? Oh indeed you are). Example: social and video look to continue their rise, but now that most google searches are mobile, how are you going to react?
The Evolution of Content Marketing: How It's Changed and Where It's Going in the Next Decade