Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#strategy #brand
10 Strategies For A Brand Turnaround | Branding Strategy Insider
10 Strategies For A Brand Turnaround | Branding Strategy Insider
I've always thought about building an Oblique Strategies deck for EB folks. What, you don't know what the OS cards are? Designed by Brian Eno (the guy who turned "alien" David Bowie into "genius" David Bowie), they are cards you select when you're stuck. Designed for musicians originally, they had instructions designed to spark thinking like "go to an extreme and work your way back" or "change instrument roles." Sometimes they were very... high-minded like "twist the spine" or "question the heroic approach." I love it because it assumes that the right answer is inside you already and you just need to clear out the clutter of your own mind to find it. Anyway, if you're stuck, here are 10 strategies to re-spark your thinking when trying to turn around your employer brand.
10 Strategies For A Brand Turnaround | Branding Strategy Insider
Integrating Brand Strategy And Positive Psychology | Branding Strategy Insider
Integrating Brand Strategy And Positive Psychology | Branding Strategy Insider
There's a whole movement on "positive psychology" (meaning: psychology focused less on "fixing" you and more on making you feel better) that branders can learn from. For example, people feel better when they have a reason for doing what they are doing (see: the old joke about two stone masons building walls, one of which sees themself building a cathedral). This doesn't mean you should over-index on "purpose," but rather on the work that is serving your purpose. That is, don't just shout about the mission-driven purpose, but remind people that the work itself has purpose.
Integrating Brand Strategy And Positive Psychology | Branding Strategy Insider
Turning Brand Managers into Anthropologists | by dr. aybil göker | Medium
Turning Brand Managers into Anthropologists | by dr. aybil göker | Medium
Why should you think more like an anthropologist? Well, no brand can survive without feeling, sensing, and talking to their people. The anthropologist understands the development of humans in societies or cultures, which is what happens when people come together. That sounds like the sort of thing every employer brand pro should aspire to be.
Turning Brand Managers into Anthropologists | by dr. aybil göker | Medium
8 Types Of Brand Extension | Branding Strategy Insider
8 Types Of Brand Extension | Branding Strategy Insider
Consumer brand folks spend a lot of time thinking about brand extension, taking a success in one product and extending it to more. There are eight defined ways of extending the brand, and while some of them don't obviously apply to EB'ers, there are some that will turn your gears quite a bit.
8 Types Of Brand Extension | Branding Strategy Insider
5 Reasons Empathy Drives Business Success | Branding Strategy Insider
5 Reasons Empathy Drives Business Success | Branding Strategy Insider
You might assume that HR is in the "people" business. That's partially true. They are on the rules side of people: what the staff can expect from leadership, what staff are allowed to do, arbitrating disagreements, etc. But HR isn't often in the "empathy business." And I would suggest that that's exactly what you do: understand why people like (and don't like working somewhere, extracting it, distilling it, reflecting it and amplifying it. So when I see articles about how businesses need to embrace empathy to succeed, I think, "How can EB'ers use this idea to make a bigger impact on the business?"
5 Reasons Empathy Drives Business Success | Branding Strategy Insider
The 16 Rules of Brand Strategy. How to radically assert your position… | by Jasmine Bina | Medium
The 16 Rules of Brand Strategy. How to radically assert your position… | by Jasmine Bina | Medium
In a similar vein, here are the 16 rules for brand strategy. Yes, they are about consumer brand strategy, but you should be able to take rules like, Lead with the Story, Look for the Subtext, and Empathize with your [Candidate]. These are not the typical "rules" you've seen before. For example, I adore rules like Speak Your Secret Language and Create Tension. Author Jasmine Bina also runs one of my favorite podcasts, Unseen Unknown. All of her stuff is amazing.
The 16 Rules of Brand Strategy. How to radically assert your position… | by Jasmine Bina | Medium
61 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand | Branding Strategy Insider
61 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand | Branding Strategy Insider
I've talked before about how much I love Oblique Strategies and how I would one day write my own deck for employer brand (tangent: the above article, which you should read all the way through because it talks about the weird shit Brian Eno came up with while recording Bowie's "Heroes," starts with a quote that should be tattooed on our collective hands, "Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences." Anyway...), but this article does a pretty solid job listing 61 ways to differentiate a given brand. A great exercise would be to list all 61 (or maybe just 30) and then list all the ways you could differentiate your own employer brand with that strategy. Congrats, you now have a LOT of good ideas you didn't have before.
61 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand | Branding Strategy Insider
One Strategy For Restoring Brand Relevance | Branding Strategy Insider
One Strategy For Restoring Brand Relevance | Branding Strategy Insider
Brooks Brothers a brand that has lasted for two hundred and two years, and was floundering well before coronavirus hit may be finished. The pandemic gave The main reason for Brooks Brothers' demise is that the brand lost relevance. It lost touch with customers, their changing needs and changing tastes. What could they do to restore brand relevance?
One Strategy For Restoring Brand Relevance | Branding Strategy Insider
Why Am I Rebranding?
Why Am I Rebranding?
Brands take time to fine-tune their position, to develop enough validating and confirming evidence to even be taken seriously. But all too often, employer branders have built something more flimsy than a true “brand,” find an “issue” and try to re-brand. So ask yourself: why are you re-branding?
Why Am I Rebranding?
Brand Collaboration & the Art of the Conceptual Land Grab
Brand Collaboration & the Art of the Conceptual Land Grab
I admit that when I read this article on “brand collaboration,” I couldn’t conceive of two employer brands collaborating and sharing ideas and identities. But then it hit me: Many of us have staff who have their own brands. Call them thought leaders or influencers, they are resources that you can use and support to drive your own brand. Like Michael Jordan and Nike, how are you going to collaborate your brands to mutual success?
Brand Collaboration & the Art of the Conceptual Land Grab
Why Brand Image Overrules Brand Quality | Branding Strategy Insider
Why Brand Image Overrules Brand Quality | Branding Strategy Insider
There’s a lot of assumptions around the intersection of brand value and brand quality. That is, if a company does a great job supporting its people, the quality of the brand establishes the value of the brand. But it isn’t always so cut-and-dried. Take SpaceX, a company known for its horrible work-life balance and overly-aggressive management, two thinks engineers say they hate. And yet, SpaceX is the top company engineers want to work for. How can you leverage the disconnect between quality and value?
Why Brand Image Overrules Brand Quality | Branding Strategy Insider
Time And Intensity Redefine Brand Engagement | Branding Strategy Insider
Time And Intensity Redefine Brand Engagement | Branding Strategy Insider
We always like to talk about engaging candidates, but… what constitutes “engagement?” An impression? A like? A click? Watching a video? Signing up for your newsletter (I won’t call it a talent “community” until you let members talk to each other)? How long does it take to become engaged in your brand? Perhaps we’re measuring the wrong thing. Rather than focus on an action, maybe engagement is a function of time and intensity.
Time And Intensity Redefine Brand Engagement | Branding Strategy Insider
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
Bryan Adams kicks his article off by saying, “talent acquisition professionals and employer brand leaders can often fall victim to an over-reliance on conventional thinking” so you knew I was going to mention this one. His call is to go beyond “typical employer branding” is music to my ears. It’s a call to stop being passive, to stop just focusing on polishing up and providing the “nicest” face on the company and taking a more active role in shaping the brand. Don’t tell stories, make stories. Love it.
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
Using Analytics to Develop a Better Employer Branding Strategy - Brandwagon
Using Analytics to Develop a Better Employer Branding Strategy - Brandwagon
Metrics, anyone? EB Rock star Shaunda Zilich writes up a nice piece on EB metrics. I was going to quibble with it until I realized that the best part of the article is unstated: Metrics are gibberish until you decide what your strategy is first. You can measure oodles of things and easily get batted around like a leaf on the wind unless you have clearly defined what you are trying to do and deciding the metrics on that. Once I saw that, I realized how great the article was.
Using Analytics to Develop a Better Employer Branding Strategy - Brandwagon
Demystifying employer branding | LinkedIn
Demystifying employer branding | LinkedIn
I point this out not because you need to know it, but employer branders always need to have a full quiver of ways to explain what employer brand is (and isn’t), so here’s a solid article from South America on demystifying employer branding.
Demystifying employer branding | LinkedIn
Combine Doubt with Data to Make Better Brand Decisions
Combine Doubt with Data to Make Better Brand Decisions
Building your EVP? While there’s no right way to go about it, if you are doing it quickly, simply and without any doubts, I promise that you’re doing it wrong. So how do you make better decisions in that kind of situation? Combine data with doubt.
Combine Doubt with Data to Make Better Brand Decisions