Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

"#job postings" #inspiration
How Dr. Seuss can help you write more persuasive job ads - Recruitment Marketing
How Dr. Seuss can help you write more persuasive job ads - Recruitment Marketing
Speaking of text, let’s talk job postings. (Yay!) There are a number of schools of thought on how to write better job postings. Personally, I lean towards a structured/modular approach (goal: ensure every job posting is a B+), but there are creative approaches and strategic approaches. Jacynta Clayton offers some great ideas on how to build a more creating posting (rhyming?! Genius).
How Dr. Seuss can help you write more persuasive job ads - Recruitment Marketing
10 Creative Job Posts and Ads That Will Inspire Yours | LinkedIn Talent Blog
10 Creative Job Posts and Ads That Will Inspire Yours | LinkedIn Talent Blog
Your job posts and ads may be a candidate’s introduction to your company, so you want to be sure they both differentiate you and set the right expectations upfront. But if you’re finding that they just aren’t bringing in the kind of candidates that you’d hoped for, it may be time to get creative.Need some creativity in your job posts? (I checked and yes. yes you do.) Here are some crazy job posting ideas (an Animal Crossing office… sure!) not in a “here are great ideas to steal,” way, but more in a “share this with people who push back on changing "Duties and Responsibilities” to “Things you’ll do all day.” They need to know what the ceiling for creativity really is these days.
10 Creative Job Posts and Ads That Will Inspire Yours | LinkedIn Talent Blog