Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#brand #pivot
10 Strategies For A Brand Turnaround | Branding Strategy Insider
10 Strategies For A Brand Turnaround | Branding Strategy Insider
I've always thought about building an Oblique Strategies deck for EB folks. What, you don't know what the OS cards are? Designed by Brian Eno (the guy who turned "alien" David Bowie into "genius" David Bowie), they are cards you select when you're stuck. Designed for musicians originally, they had instructions designed to spark thinking like "go to an extreme and work your way back" or "change instrument roles." Sometimes they were very... high-minded like "twist the spine" or "question the heroic approach." I love it because it assumes that the right answer is inside you already and you just need to clear out the clutter of your own mind to find it. Anyway, if you're stuck, here are 10 strategies to re-spark your thinking when trying to turn around your employer brand.
10 Strategies For A Brand Turnaround | Branding Strategy Insider
Upbranding: Your Product — but Better
Upbranding: Your Product — but Better
I loved this piece from Branding Mag on "upbranding," the process of elevating your own brand relative to the competition. The goal is help your brand stand out and appear more valuable (something we probably all would like) by tapping in emotional and rational drivers. The kicker for me was the idea of working t appear more exclusive, something not everyone could have. As our brands hire on quality instead of quantity, exclusivity is a close cousin.
Upbranding: Your Product — but Better
Six Rules For A Post Virus Brand Revitalization | Branding Strategy Insider
Six Rules For A Post Virus Brand Revitalization | Branding Strategy Insider
These six rules for revitalizing your brand are written about consumer/corporate branding, but terms like Culture, Experience, Trust and Relevance shouldn't require any translation. The net: your brand exists and lives, even when things seem "down." The companies that continue to invest in the brand are the ones who will escape the pandemic positioned with the talent to succeed.
Six Rules For A Post Virus Brand Revitalization | Branding Strategy Insider
One Strategy For Restoring Brand Relevance | Branding Strategy Insider
One Strategy For Restoring Brand Relevance | Branding Strategy Insider
Brooks Brothers a brand that has lasted for two hundred and two years, and was floundering well before coronavirus hit may be finished. The pandemic gave The main reason for Brooks Brothers' demise is that the brand lost relevance. It lost touch with customers, their changing needs and changing tastes. What could they do to restore brand relevance?
One Strategy For Restoring Brand Relevance | Branding Strategy Insider
Why Am I Rebranding?
Why Am I Rebranding?
Brands take time to fine-tune their position, to develop enough validating and confirming evidence to even be taken seriously. But all too often, employer branders have built something more flimsy than a true “brand,” find an “issue” and try to re-brand. So ask yourself: why are you re-branding?
Why Am I Rebranding?