Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#candidates #cx
The Educating of a Hiring Manager > Sourcing and Recruiting News
The Educating of a Hiring Manager > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Here's a fun story! You spend months launching an EVP, you build our comms and messaging and candidates seem to really respond to it. Recruiters are using it, talking about how collaborative you are as a culture, how supportive you are. Your words show up in the job postings, recruiter outreach, comms messaging and everything is going great! Then the candidate you've convinced to interview based on that idea of collaborative culture meets your hiring manager who stares at their phone the whole interview. your efforts have been wasted! Worse, that candidate is going to tell everyone on a rating site! This is all to say, don't forget the power your hiring manager has to adding to your employer brand. Which also means, you need to engage them and get them on board. So here are some thoughts on how to educate your hiring manager.
The Educating of a Hiring Manager > Sourcing and Recruiting News
It’s time to give your recruitment a makeover
It’s time to give your recruitment a makeover
We're reached peak-recruiting. As anyone with any real skill and a LinkedIn profile will attest, we've entered a world where recruiters can spam and annoy anyone with very little effort. It's time to pivot and reinvent your recruiting away from spamming and messaging and move towards building relationships. It's time to reinvent your recruiting.
It’s time to give your recruitment a makeover
What We All Long For As Job Candidates - Talent Board
What We All Long For As Job Candidates - Talent Board
Some interesting data from Talent Board on what candidates long for in their candidate experience. Spoiler: while most of us are focusing on sexy and cool programs when candidate really just want to feel like they've been heard.
What We All Long For As Job Candidates - Talent Board
Half of job seekers rejected a job offer after an interview—here's why
Half of job seekers rejected a job offer after an interview—here's why
Usually, when we wonder, "why did someone apply and interview only to walk away from the offer?" we think about the question on an individual level. What was the issue with that person or interaction? But when you look more systemically, you might see that things like messaging, branding, and candidate experience timeline have just as much of an impact. CNBC asks why 50% of offers end up being rejected.
Half of job seekers rejected a job offer after an interview—here's why
Why Good Candidate Experience Matters & 3 Ways To Deliver It > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Why Good Candidate Experience Matters & 3 Ways To Deliver It > Sourcing and Recruiting News
I'm glad I finally get to link to an article on "how to enhance your candidate experience" without having to complain that there's more to candidate experience than "white glove." In this piece listing three ways to support your CX, the overarching theme is to provide and deliver more useful information to the candidate. Be it social signals, formal messaging and relationship-building.
Why Good Candidate Experience Matters & 3 Ways To Deliver It > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Building Connected Customer Relationships | Branding Strategy Insider
Building Connected Customer Relationships | Branding Strategy Insider
The following will systematically assist you in building connected customer relationships. There are three parts. In the first part you need to diagnose The following will systematically assist you in building connected customer relationships.
Building Connected Customer Relationships | Branding Strategy Insider
The software industry's greatest sin: hiring | Neil Sainsbury
The software industry's greatest sin: hiring | Neil Sainsbury
This article should arm you with a better argument with tech recruiters and tech hiring managers at to why their normal way of hiring is deeeeeeply flawed. I point it out because tech recruiting is one of those places that doesn't always embrace the power of employer brand, and when you read this article, it should become pretty clear where the disconnect it.
The software industry's greatest sin: hiring | Neil Sainsbury
How to Craft the Perfect Email for Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey
How to Craft the Perfect Email for Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey
Yes, we all talk about hiring or recruiting funnels, and maybe we have heard that we're supposed to communicate different things at different stages of the funnel, but I don't think I've ever seen anyone show you what that might look like. This example over at Hubspot is more consumer focused, but it gives examples of how to communicate at the various stages of the funnel based on what someone's motivations might be.
How to Craft the Perfect Email for Every Stage of the Buyer's Journey
What do Job Seekers Ask About During a Pandemic?
What do Job Seekers Ask About During a Pandemic?
What do job seekers care about in a pandemic? Based on multiple company's TA chatbots, it turns out that 47% of people asked what the company's response to COVID was, roughly double the number of people asking about hiring. This suggests that prospects are twice as interested in understanding who the company as they are in learning about a job. Second take: If a huge percentage of your traffic comes in via job posts (job-focused), maybe preemptively tell them about your COVID response up front?
What do Job Seekers Ask About During a Pandemic?
How we have improved the Candidate Rejection Experience at Intel using UX Research Techniques | LinkedIn
How we have improved the Candidate Rejection Experience at Intel using UX Research Techniques | LinkedIn
I love talking about rejection letters (sorry... disposition messaging ...rolls eyes...) because they are deeply impactful messaging opportunities we tend to phone in. Which is why I loved this article about how Intel re-designed its rejection experience (and it is an "experience," is it not?).
How we have improved the Candidate Rejection Experience at Intel using UX Research Techniques | LinkedIn
What Four Years of Research (and COVID-19) Reveals About Candidate Expectations – ERE
What Four Years of Research (and COVID-19) Reveals About Candidate Expectations – ERE
PathMotion took a look at all the bot-driven conversations on its platforms to see what candidates wanted to know more about. This isn't what candidates said they wanted, it's what they asked for, so if you don't know what to add to your career site and social channels, this is a solid starting point for a content map. I will caution and say that Universum's data (day job alert!) agrees with a lot of these conclusions, they aren't equally true across the board for all audiences. Just keep that in mind.
What Four Years of Research (and COVID-19) Reveals About Candidate Expectations – ERE
What’s Wrong With Interviews? The Top 50 Most Common Interview Problems – ERE
What’s Wrong With Interviews? The Top 50 Most Common Interview Problems – ERE
What’s wrong with corporate job interviews? Pretty much everything. Interviews are the second most used and “flawed” tool in HR (right after performance appraisals). They are used and relied on around the world for hiring, transfers, promotions, and for selecting leaders. After studying and researching interviews for over 40 years, I find it laughable when…For all the work you do in establishing and instilling/imbuing your brand throughout all the various touch points of the candidate’s brand experience (bigger than the “candidate experience”), there’s one place where it tends to fall apart: the interview. The interview is like talking 6 months of potential brand interactions and compressing them into an intense 1-3 hour live session (virtual or not). Worse than that, they are always happening and they are always out of your control. Let’s be clear a bad 30 minute interview is the difference between a positive or negative experience, between a 1 star and 5 star review, and between a yes and a no. So here’s a list of the 50 biggest issues with interviews. Ignore the fact that it is a 8-year-old article: it will let you blueprint ways in which to influence better brand experience into this crucial experience.
What’s Wrong With Interviews? The Top 50 Most Common Interview Problems – ERE
Four online experiences that impressed me during lockdown (and what brands can learn from them) – Econsultancy
Four online experiences that impressed me during lockdown (and what brands can learn from them) – Econsultancy
My feeling on over-indexing on candidate experience are well known (your CX should reflect your brand and work reality, not just “white glove”), but there are still great online ways to engage talent online outside of tests and (god help us all) the ATS. Here are some examples from the consumer world we could all steal ideas from.
Four online experiences that impressed me during lockdown (and what brands can learn from them) – Econsultancy