Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

The Three Minds of Successful Employer Branding – ERE
The Three Minds of Successful Employer Branding – ERE
What does it take to build a strong employer brand? Well, you need to know how to execute projects (tactical mind). You also need to be able to select and prioritize your projects (strategic mind), but theres something still missing. If you want your brand work to achieve maximum impact, you need to know how to tap into a third mind: the political mind. The Three Minds of Employer Branding over at ERE.
The Three Minds of Successful Employer Branding – ERE
The science behind employee engagement in a crisis | LinkedIn
The science behind employee engagement in a crisis | LinkedIn
You've heard of the five stages of grief, right? As we all do our best to come to terms with the new pandemic reality, these five steps might be a helpful guide to not only understanding our own feelings, but to understand how to position our messaging to employees. If you can tap into this model, you can come out with stronger employee engagement, which powers your own employer brand.
The science behind employee engagement in a crisis | LinkedIn
Truth – the Anchor of Luxury
Truth – the Anchor of Luxury
What can employer brands learn from "luxury brands?" To understand their own truth. Beyond this article, I think there are a lot of interesting parallels between EB and luxe brands. Exclusivity: There's only one open role so only one person can have it. Identity-signaling: People judge you on where you work and you derive self-work from where you work. Cost: No one's ever had an easy job search, no matter how good they are. Just something to consider.
Truth – the Anchor of Luxury
Work is something you achieve, not somewhere you go
Work is something you achieve, not somewhere you go
I’m not pointing fingers, but let’s be honest: its easy to define an employer brand when we treat work as a place to go and not as a thing you do. (This article on the future of working kind of made me realize how much we define the issues we solve to make the answers easier to accomplish. Turns out people are messy, and when you can’t just focus on the place, it gets messy to try and explain why people do what they do.)
Work is something you achieve, not somewhere you go
Why You Should Recruit Introverts — and How - TalentCulture
Why You Should Recruit Introverts — and How - TalentCulture
We’ve been telling candidates to develop their personal brand to make it easier for recruiters to understand who they are and what they bring to the table. The problem is, personal brands seem to be the domain of the loudmouth (hi, how are you!). What about introverts? And if we flip the concept around, does your employer brand only cater to the boisterous, obvious extroverts? How can you make sure you’re not repelling introverts in order to stand out in the crowd?
Why You Should Recruit Introverts — and How - TalentCulture
Why Brand Image Overrules Brand Quality | Branding Strategy Insider
Why Brand Image Overrules Brand Quality | Branding Strategy Insider
There’s a lot of assumptions around the intersection of brand value and brand quality. That is, if a company does a great job supporting its people, the quality of the brand establishes the value of the brand. But it isn’t always so cut-and-dried. Take SpaceX, a company known for its horrible work-life balance and overly-aggressive management, two thinks engineers say they hate. And yet, SpaceX is the top company engineers want to work for. How can you leverage the disconnect between quality and value?
Why Brand Image Overrules Brand Quality | Branding Strategy Insider
The Cognitive Dissonance Hiding Behind Strong Brands | by Jasmine Bina | Startup Grind | Medium
The Cognitive Dissonance Hiding Behind Strong Brands | by Jasmine Bina | Startup Grind | Medium
Look, this is something I am grappling with because I really want employer branders to think… deeper. It’s not just putting out little videos and polishing up career sites, but helping leadership think better about their brand. One of the ideas I haven’t gotten my arms around but think is special is the concept of cognitive dissonance. We want what we want, but what we want might not align with our stated values. A company who can help its customers overcome that cognitive dissonance is one who can win a long time customer. Like i said, I’m not sure how we can use this idea, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
The Cognitive Dissonance Hiding Behind Strong Brands | by Jasmine Bina | Startup Grind | Medium
Cognitive dissonance and purpose-driven brands
Cognitive dissonance and purpose-driven brands
Look, this is something I am grappling with because I really want employer branders to think… deeper. It’s not just putting out little videos and polishing up career sites, but helping leadership think better about their brand. One of the ideas I haven’t gotten my arms around but think is special is the concept of cognitive dissonance. We want what we want, but what we want might not align with our stated values. A company who can help its customers overcome that cognitive dissonance is one who can win a long time customer. Like i said, I’m not sure how we can use this idea, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
Cognitive dissonance and purpose-driven brands
How The Element Of Surprise Impacts Brand Loyalty | Branding Strategy Insider
How The Element Of Surprise Impacts Brand Loyalty | Branding Strategy Insider
Since organized brands were first introduced over 100 years ago alongside industrialism, they have changed their nature and role in society. Brands have When our favorite brands exceed the expectation we have of them, by giving us a surprise, we get more excited and our interest in and loyalty to the brand increases.
How The Element Of Surprise Impacts Brand Loyalty | Branding Strategy Insider
Anticipation: Mind’s Hype Machine | by Abhinav | Oct, 2020 | Medium
Anticipation: Mind’s Hype Machine | by Abhinav | Oct, 2020 | Medium
So I’ve really been living in this “employer branding is all about creating desire” thing lately, huh? I hope it’s a useful way for you to look at what you’re building and how it is performing. But be living in this world of “desire,” to be successful, we need to leverage different ideas. For example: Anticipation. By stoking anticipation, you create design, but it turns out you are creating something else: fear. Think about the last time you were prepping for an interview for a job you really wanted: you anticipated the interview, you were excited to share your experience and learn more, but you were scared you’d mess it up. Juggling two contrasting emotions at once will likely be one of the most valuable skills in EB.
Anticipation: Mind’s Hype Machine | by Abhinav | Oct, 2020 | Medium
Combine Doubt with Data to Make Better Brand Decisions
Combine Doubt with Data to Make Better Brand Decisions
Building your EVP? While there’s no right way to go about it, if you are doing it quickly, simply and without any doubts, I promise that you’re doing it wrong. So how do you make better decisions in that kind of situation? Combine data with doubt.
Combine Doubt with Data to Make Better Brand Decisions