Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#hbr #Diversity
Getting Over Your Fear of Talking About Diversity
Getting Over Your Fear of Talking About Diversity
Better diversity programs can't happen until we all (speaking mostly to myself, here) get comfortable talking about diversity. How do you walk the line between being aware (and owning) one's privilege, and being one of those "more-woke-than-thou" types. The HBR, who might know a thing or two about privilege, have some thoughts on the subject of talking about diversity.
Getting Over Your Fear of Talking About Diversity
How to Recruit More Women to Your Company
How to Recruit More Women to Your Company
It's no secret that changing your gender ratios starts by making sure there are women in the pipeline. But how do you make that happen? It may not be enough to say the language in your job postings is "balanced." Instead, consider changing the "requirements" section to "We anticipate using skills like these to be successful" to encourage more women to apply.
How to Recruit More Women to Your Company
A Data-Driven Approach to Hiring More Diverse Talent
A Data-Driven Approach to Hiring More Diverse Talent
Yet another case study of an organization deciding to get serious about their diversity issues and actually moving the needle. How?! Start with data, but then also (and here's the magic part) have the will to make changes based on the data. Crazy, right?
A Data-Driven Approach to Hiring More Diverse Talent