Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#hbr #internal
Research: How to Build Trust with Business Partners from Other Cultures
Research: How to Build Trust with Business Partners from Other Cultures
I've got an open call for podcast and article ideas (feel free to chime in), and one of the big asks is more discussion on how to work with recruiters and other teams. While I try and put together my own thoughts, here's an article from HBR on how culture differences should be considered when building trust with other business units.
Research: How to Build Trust with Business Partners from Other Cultures
Getting Your Team to Buy into a Big Change
Getting Your Team to Buy into a Big Change
Employer branding is the act of getting everyone at your company who doesn't have to listen to you to change how they think about their employer. Yay! So anything that helps arm you to create change in an org is useful to know.
Getting Your Team to Buy into a Big Change