Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#marketing #corporate
The Real Importance of Branding for CMOs
The Real Importance of Branding for CMOs
I like to keep one eye on what the consumer and corporate marketers are up to, and it turns out there's a wholesale shift happening where even the CMOs are spending more and more time working on the company's brand. Why does that matter? You know how every time someone asks you what's the ROI of employer branding? You can always say that if branding isn't important, why is the most important marketing person in the company working on it so much?
The Real Importance of Branding for CMOs
How to Improve Your Corporate Marketing Strategies [+ Examples]
How to Improve Your Corporate Marketing Strategies [+ Examples]
We don't talk about corporate comms much (well... we complain about it sometimes, but that doesn't count). Hubspot has a nice writeup on how to level-up your corporate comms strategies. What? You didn't know you were in the corporate comms business? You think someone else does that? Yeah, you're going to be far more effective at building internal allies and advocates once you learn to lean into the corp comms stuff.
How to Improve Your Corporate Marketing Strategies [+ Examples]
Why CEOs Need To Involve Marketers In Employer Branding
Why CEOs Need To Involve Marketers In Employer Branding
I love how Forbes wrote a whole article about the power of employer brand when marketers and leadership gets involved, and then had the gall to suggest that employer brand was “territorial” about their part of the brand and didn’t want to let marketing play their game. I’ve talked with dozens (if not a hundred) EB owners and they all, to a person, would have loved for marketing to acknowledge their existence, let alone combine forces and/or resources.
Why CEOs Need To Involve Marketers In Employer Branding