Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#people "#employee experience"
Chevron Created a Virtual Summer Camp for Its Employees’ Kids
Chevron Created a Virtual Summer Camp for Its Employees’ Kids
Further evidence of companies embracing that the world really has changed? Chevron managed a virtual summer camp for its employees' kids. If your company cares about you, is there anything you care about as much as your kids??? So while this kind of thing will be common in the future, I love seeing companies pivot to embrace stuff like this.
Chevron Created a Virtual Summer Camp for Its Employees’ Kids
Worst HR Document Ever, the Employee Handbook - Fistful of Talent
Worst HR Document Ever, the Employee Handbook - Fistful of Talent
Have you heard that joke that every item in an employee manual should be named for the person who necessitated that rule? The drinking at work social engagements is the Chad Rule, for example (he knows what he did)? Yeah. Employee manuals are kind of the worst. Don't take my work for it. Fistful of Talent agrees with me, calling it the "worst HR document ever." I bring this up because anything that sucks that people see is an opportunity to support your employer brand.
Worst HR Document Ever, the Employee Handbook - Fistful of Talent
How we have improved the Candidate Rejection Experience at Intel using UX Research Techniques | LinkedIn
How we have improved the Candidate Rejection Experience at Intel using UX Research Techniques | LinkedIn
I love talking about rejection letters (sorry... disposition messaging ...rolls eyes...) because they are deeply impactful messaging opportunities we tend to phone in. Which is why I loved this article about how Intel re-designed its rejection experience (and it is an "experience," is it not?).
How we have improved the Candidate Rejection Experience at Intel using UX Research Techniques | LinkedIn
Why Professional Development Must Be A Core Element of Your Employer Brand > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Why Professional Development Must Be A Core Element of Your Employer Brand > Sourcing and Recruiting News
I have mixed feeling about this article on why every company should make professional development a core element of their brand promise. One, yes, many many many candidates and employees want development, but even when they want it, they don't want/value it the same way. Some want classrooms and certifications. Some want mentoring and coaching. Some want the freedom to experiment and fail. And yes, there are some great talents who don't look to their employer as a source for development. Over at the day job, we have lots of data that lots of people want development, but it is by no means universal. Development is popular among some talent, but to say that every brand should define their brand around it is a little myopic. That said, it's an area where many companies ignore to their detriment.
Why Professional Development Must Be A Core Element of Your Employer Brand > Sourcing and Recruiting News