Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#position #politics
Employee Activism Brings New Brand Challenges | Branding Strategy Insider
Employee Activism Brings New Brand Challenges | Branding Strategy Insider
What happens when your employees get politically active? This week, more than 360 Amazon employees signed a public petition demanding the corporation take action on climate change. The company responded by threatening to fire them. Last year, Google saw a mass walkout. Between Greta, a US presidential election and Brexit, the political and social landscape is getting very tricky. And yes, your employer brand plays a role. If you've established values and pillars around being green or being socially responsible, what happens when staff act on that? And do you know how leadership will respond?
Employee Activism Brings New Brand Challenges | Branding Strategy Insider
The Three Minds of Successful Employer Branding – ERE
The Three Minds of Successful Employer Branding – ERE
What does it take to build a strong employer brand? Well, you need to know how to execute projects (tactical mind). You also need to be able to select and prioritize your projects (strategic mind), but theres something still missing. If you want your brand work to achieve maximum impact, you need to know how to tap into a third mind: the political mind. The Three Minds of Employer Branding over at ERE.
The Three Minds of Successful Employer Branding – ERE