Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Jasmine Bina on LinkedIn: #branding #brandstrategy #brand
Jasmine Bina on LinkedIn: #branding #brandstrategy #brand
Chaos packaging: - olive oil in a soda can - sunscreen in a whipped cream dispenser - electrolytes in a soap dispenser - vodka in a milk carton Love…
Jasmine Bina on LinkedIn: #branding #brandstrategy #brand
The mind-blowing proposal letter Steve Albini sent to Nirvana
The mind-blowing proposal letter Steve Albini sent to Nirvana
The producer extraordinaire famously being at the helm for Nirvana's third and final record, In Utero, Steve Albini was forced to work in order to land the gig.
The mind-blowing proposal letter Steve Albini sent to Nirvana
Meetings are now your culture carriers.
Meetings are now your culture carriers.
​View this email in your browser. Not subscribed? Let me help you with that. It's free and easy. The future of work is creating psychological togetherness. I recently found myse...
Meetings are now your culture carriers.
The most hated workplace software on the planet
The most hated workplace software on the planet
It creates mountains of busywork for everyone. So why do more than half of the companies in the Fortune 500 use it?
The most hated workplace software on the planet
Small Things.
Small Things.
The Future Does Not Fit in the Containers of the Past. Edition 195.
Small Things.
Four Measures Of Brand Progress - Branding Strategy Insider
Four Measures Of Brand Progress - Branding Strategy Insider
Measuring brand progress allows a marketer to gauge how well the brand strategy is working, the impact marketing activity is having, and to keep an eye on
Four Measures Of Brand Progress - Branding Strategy Insider
Research: When Employees Identify with Their Company, They’re Less Likely to Recognize Gender Discrimination
Research: When Employees Identify with Their Company, They’re Less Likely to Recognize Gender Discrimination
Identifying as an organizational member — or feeling a strong sense of attachment to the organization — is generally a positive thing for employees and employers. But our research on workplace incivility and mistreatment shows that it can also shape when — and if — employees recognize and respond to subtle forms of discrimination against women at work. Evidence shows that leaders, as well as employees, play a key role in identifying and remedying gender discrimination in all its forms. If the goal is to proactively address gender discrimination in the workplace and encourage leaders and workers to remove their rose-colored glasses, this article offers a few suggestions.
Research: When Employees Identify with Their Company, They’re Less Likely to Recognize Gender Discrimination
Tell Employees What It Takes to Get a Promotion
Tell Employees What It Takes to Get a Promotion
Creating a path to promotion: Discover why organizations should communicate expectations and opportunities for career growth to their employees.
Tell Employees What It Takes to Get a Promotion
Content design matters more than content quality. Full stop. -
Content design matters more than content quality. Full stop. -
Content design seems to matter more than ever, and it’s always really mattered. But UX is a big piece now of what differentiates great content from mediocre content.  I wrote about this a lot when I first started this newsletter, and I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve lost my way a bit on…
Content design matters more than content quality. Full stop. -
Seven Steps to Creating Your EVP
Seven Steps to Creating Your EVP
Step 1: Gather Diverse Perspectives You want to hear from lots of people. Some of that may already be captured in previous listening or surveys , it may just need to be reinterpreted But you’ll also want to do some fresh listening, and engage with a spectrum of employees: new hires, old-hands, top p
Seven Steps to Creating Your EVP
Planning For Brand Expansion - Branding Strategy Insider
Planning For Brand Expansion - Branding Strategy Insider
The growth of any brand will plateau if it is successful with its initial product range in its region of origin. Further growth must come from expanding
Planning For Brand Expansion - Branding Strategy Insider
Top tips for SEO friendly employer branding content
Top tips for SEO friendly employer branding content
Our top tips and ideas to give your very own employer branding articles, blogs and other content an SEO friendly boost.
Top tips for SEO friendly employer branding content
Post | LinkedIn
Post | LinkedIn
The purpose of brand archetypes is to position a brand in culture and in consumers' minds. They shape what brand says, how it behaves, and its look and feel… | 10 comments on LinkedIn
Post | LinkedIn
5 Networking Tips for Introverts (and Anyone Else)
5 Networking Tips for Introverts (and Anyone Else)
Even if you’re an introvert who dreads the notion of networking, you can develop your skills to get out there and do it. Research by the Lehigh@NasdaqCenter, a partnership between Lehigh University and the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, identified make-or-break factors for developing networking skills. They include: the ability to adapt your thinking swiftly in response to changing situations; combating a tendency to focus more on avoiding errors and negative results and instead striving for positive outcomes; consciously trying to have faith in your networking prowess; being persistent; and focusing more on the future.
5 Networking Tips for Introverts (and Anyone Else)
Value of branding
Value of branding
Throw up this McKinsey chart the next time you’re talking to the #CFO about brand building efforts. “Powerful brands significantly outperform the…
Value of branding
Why brands need creative strategy
Why brands need creative strategy
Creativity has to be at the center of business transformation
Why brands need creative strategy