Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

"#social media" #marketing
21 Interactive Content Stats That Marketers Need to Know in 2020
21 Interactive Content Stats That Marketers Need to Know in 2020
There's always a contingent looking "ahead" at cool marketing tactics. For them, I ask: are you thinking about interactive marketing yet? Be they games, AR/VR, even "choose your own adventure"-type story-telling, getting people to make choices within your marketing makes your messages more engaging and memorable. Okay, I scared you with the AR/VR thing, sorry. But quizzes count (sorta). And what if instead of "a day in the life" video, you let people choose what the employee was going to do? Get coffee or prep for the meeting? Research a client via Google or other channel? Make a series of options that people can choose and see the impact those choices make in their day. Maybe double down and work with your instruction-design people (assuming you have one of those) to show how each choice suggests that the candidate is or isn't a likely fit with your brand (without being ham-fisted about it).
21 Interactive Content Stats That Marketers Need to Know in 2020
5 Reasons the TikTok Model is Here to Stay | LinkedIn
5 Reasons the TikTok Model is Here to Stay | LinkedIn
Let's talk Tik Tok! Or maybe we shouldn't! Just as the all-dancing, all-singing social platform starts to gain traction as a legitimate branding platform, it gets branded as a state agency intelligence operation. But when has a little espionage stopped "the kids" from singing? (That's the entire plot of Val Kilmer's Top Secret, btw.) So if you're ready to ignore potential Trump/Bezos bans of the social channel, here are so suggestions on how to do it right. My favorite? Think of it as an education platform first.
5 Reasons the TikTok Model is Here to Stay | LinkedIn
Your Recruitment Marketing Toolbox on a Budget | Rally® Recruitment Marketing
Your Recruitment Marketing Toolbox on a Budget | Rally® Recruitment Marketing
So, anyone who reads my blogs or follows me on Twitter will probably know two things about me. 1). I like to be practical; Blue Sky Aspirational Thought Leadership is alright on a stage somewhere but how does it translate into day-to-day "doing it" and 2). I like to look at low cost options as a lot
Your Recruitment Marketing Toolbox on a Budget | Rally® Recruitment Marketing
What Is Wrong with Advertising in Three Promoted Tweets
What Is Wrong with Advertising in Three Promoted Tweets
Keep that in mind when you go investing in digital/social ads for your employer brand: for all the talk about amazing targeting, its still mostly bull. (For more ranting on the subject, check out Bob Hoffmann’s Ad Contrarian newsletter). And so I offer everything that’s wrong with ads in three tweets.
What Is Wrong with Advertising in Three Promoted Tweets