Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

How To Put The Perfect Job Ad In Front Of The Ideal Candidate • Ri Web
How To Put The Perfect Job Ad In Front Of The Ideal Candidate • Ri Web
Some days you just need to get into the weeds to help a hiring manager or recruiter "get" how employer branding can help. Big ideas and concepts just won't fly, and will likely push them away from what you're trying to say. Instead, here's a guide that I see as kind of a bridge to employer brand thinking. Using a DiSC framework (which I generally dig anyway), you can show someone how a "one size fits all" approach to messaging won't work. Once they see how tailoring their messaging to some basic personas can make an improvement, you've opened their eyes and they will be more likely to hear how they can tailor the message further to integrate the brand. How to put the perfect job ad in front of a candidate
How To Put The Perfect Job Ad In Front Of The Ideal Candidate • Ri Web
Marketing a Gaming App - Think with Google
Marketing a Gaming App - Think with Google
I know I’m bringing up Google a lot today, but I was interested in all this data they had around what messages work for video games. Like applying for jobs, video games aren’t simply transactional: they assume that the user will be spending a lot of their time on them, so the pitch isn’t necessarily what you’d think. For example, video game ads that focus on features and direct calls to action didn’t work when depth of control and motion tended to drive engagement.
Marketing a Gaming App - Think with Google
13 stats that show how advertising is changing – Econsultancy
13 stats that show how advertising is changing – Econsultancy
From digital ad spend overtaking traditional and the growth of mobile to the most resilient advertising channels during the Covid-19 pandemic, here are 13 stats that show how advertising is changing in 2020 and beyond.Here are some stats which (once you get beyond the obvious), show you how much the ad market has changed in the last 6 months. For example, mobile isn’t big, it’s bigger than anything else (so you need a mobile strategy, and relying on “programmatic” isn’t enough). Google’s ad revenue went down for the first time… ever. Podcasting keeps growing. E-sports is a real thing. And expect that digital will dominate out-of-home ads.
13 stats that show how advertising is changing – Econsultancy
What Is Wrong with Advertising in Three Promoted Tweets
What Is Wrong with Advertising in Three Promoted Tweets
Keep that in mind when you go investing in digital/social ads for your employer brand: for all the talk about amazing targeting, its still mostly bull. (For more ranting on the subject, check out Bob Hoffmann’s Ad Contrarian newsletter). And so I offer everything that’s wrong with ads in three tweets.
What Is Wrong with Advertising in Three Promoted Tweets