Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#desire #persuasion
Anticipation: Mind’s Hype Machine | by Abhinav | Oct, 2020 | Medium
Anticipation: Mind’s Hype Machine | by Abhinav | Oct, 2020 | Medium
So I’ve really been living in this “employer branding is all about creating desire” thing lately, huh? I hope it’s a useful way for you to look at what you’re building and how it is performing. But be living in this world of “desire,” to be successful, we need to leverage different ideas. For example: Anticipation. By stoking anticipation, you create design, but it turns out you are creating something else: fear. Think about the last time you were prepping for an interview for a job you really wanted: you anticipated the interview, you were excited to share your experience and learn more, but you were scared you’d mess it up. Juggling two contrasting emotions at once will likely be one of the most valuable skills in EB.
Anticipation: Mind’s Hype Machine | by Abhinav | Oct, 2020 | Medium