Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

#marketing #content #narrative
5 Reasons the TikTok Model is Here to Stay | LinkedIn
5 Reasons the TikTok Model is Here to Stay | LinkedIn
Let's talk Tik Tok! Or maybe we shouldn't! Just as the all-dancing, all-singing social platform starts to gain traction as a legitimate branding platform, it gets branded as a state agency intelligence operation. But when has a little espionage stopped "the kids" from singing? (That's the entire plot of Val Kilmer's Top Secret, btw.) So if you're ready to ignore potential Trump/Bezos bans of the social channel, here are so suggestions on how to do it right. My favorite? Think of it as an education platform first.
5 Reasons the TikTok Model is Here to Stay | LinkedIn
Why Employee Engagement is the New Content Marketing Strategy – Marketing Insider Group
Why Employee Engagement is the New Content Marketing Strategy – Marketing Insider Group
Further evidence that you and your marketing team should be spending more time together and occasionally taking long walks on the beach: employee advocates are the new “influencer.” In a lot of ways, influencers made a kind of sense in a world with a million options (or products, services, lifestyles, etc) because they acted as a kind of “native guide” to these things. A Kardashian can point to weight loss products and fashion because it’s something they know about. But as influencers as a celebrity become stale, the new advocate is the insider, someone with the inside view on things. They have a more credible voice and are seen as more real than marketing and can change people’s minds about your company (both as an employer, and as a vendor).
Why Employee Engagement is the New Content Marketing Strategy – Marketing Insider Group