Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

The Formula For Business Model Innovation | Branding Strategy Insider
The Formula For Business Model Innovation | Branding Strategy Insider
We don’t talk much about “business model” here on the newsletter, and really, it’s because we aren’t treating brand management as a business. But business model thinking and brand architecture have a lot of similarities, and the fact that you need to sell your brand to business leaders who think in business models suggests that there might be something interesting in the intersection here. It’s not just how you make money, it’s how you use everything in your ecosystem and how you differentiate yourself (sound familiar?). Anyway, here’s the formula for business model innovation.
The Formula For Business Model Innovation | Branding Strategy Insider
Remote Managers Are Having Trust Issues
Remote Managers Are Having Trust Issues
Sure, working from home, and the increasing likelihood that is it here to stay, might be great (for some of you). As many candidates want remote work, and remote work allows you to hire the best matching candidate from pretty much anyway, its a chance to really level-up your talent. But there’s a downside: management isn’t always comfortable with remote workers and are distrusting of their productivity. When one company proclaims its love of remote work, many people will see that as a red flag, an excuse to install spyware and implement “always on” expectations for remote. So how will you talk about your remote work brand when there isn’t always a lot of trust in the room?
Remote Managers Are Having Trust Issues
Why CEOs Need To Involve Marketers In Employer Branding
Why CEOs Need To Involve Marketers In Employer Branding
I love how Forbes wrote a whole article about the power of employer brand when marketers and leadership gets involved, and then had the gall to suggest that employer brand was “territorial” about their part of the brand and didn’t want to let marketing play their game. I’ve talked with dozens (if not a hundred) EB owners and they all, to a person, would have loved for marketing to acknowledge their existence, let alone combine forces and/or resources.
Why CEOs Need To Involve Marketers In Employer Branding
Brand Collaboration & the Art of the Conceptual Land Grab
Brand Collaboration & the Art of the Conceptual Land Grab
I admit that when I read this article on “brand collaboration,” I couldn’t conceive of two employer brands collaborating and sharing ideas and identities. But then it hit me: Many of us have staff who have their own brands. Call them thought leaders or influencers, they are resources that you can use and support to drive your own brand. Like Michael Jordan and Nike, how are you going to collaborate your brands to mutual success?
Brand Collaboration & the Art of the Conceptual Land Grab
Leaders, Take Control of Your Employment Brand
Leaders, Take Control of Your Employment Brand
Bookmark this: Gallup, the research company, makes a pretty compelling case to your leadership on the power of employer brand. The overall focus is on how the employer brand makes a clear impact on your corporate brand (remember, businesses only speak three languages: make money, save money, extend the brand), which would be something you might want to slide under the virtual door of leadership.
Leaders, Take Control of Your Employment Brand
CEOs need to take the lead on upskilling
CEOs need to take the lead on upskilling
One of the very clear axes (plural of axis, not a thing for chopping wood) by which you can communicate your culture and brand (though it isn’t often used), is the way a company invests in individual professional growth. Is the employee in charge of their own growth (a la every agency I’ve ever seen), the employee is in charge but the company will pay, the company encourages and supports upskilling, etc. If you want to be known as a place where people are expected and supported in their growth (you’d think that was every company, but you’d be very very wrong about that), it means getting your CEO involved.
CEOs need to take the lead on upskilling
useful values / lower case opinions
useful values / lower case opinions
If you want to build trust, if you want leadership to be seen as trustworthy, if you are building your values into a platform on which any number of concepts and initiatives will live, it starts by defining fair. Is it fair that some workers make minimum wage and the CEO makes… sightly more? Is it fair that your company only extends the legal minimum of family leave to staff? Is it fair that there are no people of color or women in your executive suite? These are prickly conversations, all of which can be made simpler by defining what we all mean by 'fair’ (and baking it into our brand).
useful values / lower case opinions