Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Why Belonging Is Such A Big Issue In Business Today – JOSH BERSIN
Why Belonging Is Such A Big Issue In Business Today – JOSH BERSIN
I will admit that my day job is forcing me to re-example some ideas I… well, in all honesty, I accepted without much inquiry. It’s a little exhilarating, I promise. One of those concepts is that of “belonging” at work. For years, we’ve heard variations on the idea of “bring your ‘whole self’ to work” which is intended to imply (for example) that black people can bring their black experiences (good and bad, and lately its a lot more of one than the other) to work and that we can’t expect people to leave those experiences at the door. We assume that we want people to feel like they belong at work, which encourage them to speak up and engage. But we haven’t always defined what we mean by “engage” or “belong.” So I was really interested when Josh Bersin broke things down on his site about what it takes to create that feeling of belonging. I would suggest that for a lot of people, the feeling that their work matters, that it contributes to a company’s success drives a sense of belonging as establishing an ERG or setting hiring targets.
Why Belonging Is Such A Big Issue In Business Today – JOSH BERSIN
Ask Not What Your Community Can Do for You...
Ask Not What Your Community Can Do for You...
Speaking of community, we’re not the only ones struggling with the idea that we want to get people excited to learn more about us before we have the right role open. Turns out, consumer brands are trying to figure out the same puzzle. The first question you should ask is: what can I help my community members do?
Ask Not What Your Community Can Do for You...
Transgender & gender nonconforming inclusivity - Think with Google
Transgender & gender nonconforming inclusivity - Think with Google
For my money (and I’m no expert), the litmus test for doing useful D&I work with your employer brand, isn’t to solve for the easiest cases (women make less than men, but they still tend to get hired, albeit at a lower rate), but to solve for the toughest. As one of the least “accepted” groups, perhaps if you solve for trans people, you end us solving for a lot more audiences. And Google’s got some ideas on how to do exactly that.
Transgender & gender nonconforming inclusivity - Think with Google
Job Descriptions: How to Eliminate the Hidden Bias Within
Job Descriptions: How to Eliminate the Hidden Bias Within
My pet bug bear these days is surface-level D&I work. These days, there may be no more important issue we grapple with than making sure all people are treated equally, so you’d think I’d love articles around eliminating bias in job postings. My issue is that it supports the flawed perspective that we can “process-away” bias and inequality. When a “non-biased” process meets an intentionally based person, the person wins every time. My fear is that by leaning on these “safe” measures, we feel good, like we’ve done something to move things forward, when what we’ve really done is provide a smokescreen for biased intentions and behavior. Non-biased language on a job posting doesn’t stop someone from being sexist or racist from and making sexist or racist hiring decisions.
Job Descriptions: How to Eliminate the Hidden Bias Within
When words aren’t enough – delivering today’s EVPs through practical steps and demonstrable acts – Getting to the heart of your employee mindset
When words aren’t enough – delivering today’s EVPs through practical steps and demonstrable acts – Getting to the heart of your employee mindset
If you see employer brand as crafting the rosiest picture possible around a company, the safest play is to write great stories to paint that picture. Done right, using text primarily to talk about your brand can hide a multitude of sins, effectively letting a brander put lipstick on the proverbial pig. But a brand isn’t just (or even) the words you use. It is found in the actions of your company.
When words aren’t enough – delivering today’s EVPs through practical steps and demonstrable acts – Getting to the heart of your employee mindset
Coinbase: Can a company really be ‘apolitical’ in 2020?
Coinbase: Can a company really be ‘apolitical’ in 2020?
Employer brands can’t all be the same, so why are they all espousing the same ideas. They all seem to care about opportunity, and innovation and caring for their employees (in the same kinds of ways). So I love that Coinbase is taking a (very sharp) turn. They are very publicly rejecting the idea that companies have to take a stance on social good. It’s not that I don’t think companies shouldn’t care about social good, it’s that I love when a company is willing to do something different. The best part is that they didn’t dictate the position to the world, they gave staff a chance to jump ship as the boat changed course.
Coinbase: Can a company really be ‘apolitical’ in 2020?
How Brands Can Carry Out A Social Mission | Branding Strategy Insider
How Brands Can Carry Out A Social Mission | Branding Strategy Insider
Most people seem to be of the opinion that brands play a meaningful role in people’s lives, so companies should consider how to get more involved in social causes. That sort of thing should involve your team, unless your company is just going to throw money at something, so here’s some smart thinking about how to connect your brand to social good.
How Brands Can Carry Out A Social Mission | Branding Strategy Insider
Ready, Set, Recruit: Great Company Culture Begins With Recruitment
Ready, Set, Recruit: Great Company Culture Begins With Recruitment
It heartens me to see how even Recruiter is connecting the dots around how who you bring into your company is how you build a culture (turns out making posters doesn’t do much). This might make for some nice light reading when your culture team meets to talk about the next (virtual) picnic.
Ready, Set, Recruit: Great Company Culture Begins With Recruitment
Companies Settle Into New Normal With Focus on Working Parents
Companies Settle Into New Normal With Focus on Working Parents
Want to show that you “get it” when it comes to the new world of work? Stop treating working parents like an aberration and build team culture around them. This isn’t just being cool when a kid needs a snack in the middle of the zoom meeting, but assuming flexible schedules are the norm, that maybe meetings can be a little shorter with built-in break between them (instead of back-to-back-to-back) and that there’s value in not looking at a screen for.a few minutes every hour. These ideas might be designed for working parents, but I can’t imagine childless workers wouldn’t find these changes incredibly welcome, too.
Companies Settle Into New Normal With Focus on Working Parents
useful values / lower case opinions
useful values / lower case opinions
If you want to build trust, if you want leadership to be seen as trustworthy, if you are building your values into a platform on which any number of concepts and initiatives will live, it starts by defining fair. Is it fair that some workers make minimum wage and the CEO makes… sightly more? Is it fair that your company only extends the legal minimum of family leave to staff? Is it fair that there are no people of color or women in your executive suite? These are prickly conversations, all of which can be made simpler by defining what we all mean by 'fair’ (and baking it into our brand).
useful values / lower case opinions
The Process Of Becoming A Values-Driven Company | Branding Strategy Insider
The Process Of Becoming A Values-Driven Company | Branding Strategy Insider
How often do we say, in other forums, to make sure we start with the consumer and not our own egos? The consumer now owns the brand relationship, not the Four questions companies need to answer in the process of defining brand values.
The Process Of Becoming A Values-Driven Company | Branding Strategy Insider