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Should Your Employer Brand State its Political Beliefs? | The Tim Sackett Project
Should Your Employer Brand State its Political Beliefs? | The Tim Sackett Project
Tim Sackett asks a pretty controversial question over on his blog: Should companies disclose their political leanings? Tim makes good points that just because a business might lean liberal or conservative, that doesn’t mean everyone does, or even that it’s a critical component to the employer brand. My take is simple: if it matters to leadership and staff what the political identify of an organization is, and it’s not exclusive of talent from other perspectives, there’s no reason not to talk about it. But in this day and age, where “wearing a mask” is seen as somehow “political,” the return from such a position is likely very very weak (if not completely counter-productive).
Should Your Employer Brand State its Political Beliefs? | The Tim Sackett Project
To Foster Innovation, Cultivate a Culture of Intellectual Bravery
To Foster Innovation, Cultivate a Culture of Intellectual Bravery
I’ve talked before about different attributes that can help define your brand (how does your company approaches personal/professional development, what’s the level of internal transparency, amount of hierarchical structure, etc). Here’s one I hadn’t thought of before: Courage. How does your company reward courage? Can you disagree with your boss? Do you have to do it quietly one on one, or are you allowed to disagree more publicly? What about disagreeing with leadership? Answers to these simple question (assuming leadership and front-line staff agree on the answer), go a long way to defining your own company.
To Foster Innovation, Cultivate a Culture of Intellectual Bravery
Write Down Your Team’s Unwritten Rules
Write Down Your Team’s Unwritten Rules
In fact, I think this HBR article is the other side of that coin when it says you should write down the unwritten rules of the company. Aside from pulling assumptions out from behind the curtain given them some sunlight, the exercise is a great way to reveal how you company really reacts to stimulus. I’d take it another step further and say that the unwritten rules of the company are more the culture of your company than what HR says it is, thus making it ripe fodder for employer branding architecture and narrative.
Write Down Your Team’s Unwritten Rules
Companies Settle Into New Normal With Focus on Working Parents
Companies Settle Into New Normal With Focus on Working Parents
Want to show that you “get it” when it comes to the new world of work? Stop treating working parents like an aberration and build team culture around them. This isn’t just being cool when a kid needs a snack in the middle of the zoom meeting, but assuming flexible schedules are the norm, that maybe meetings can be a little shorter with built-in break between them (instead of back-to-back-to-back) and that there’s value in not looking at a screen for.a few minutes every hour. These ideas might be designed for working parents, but I can’t imagine childless workers wouldn’t find these changes incredibly welcome, too.
Companies Settle Into New Normal With Focus on Working Parents