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Why Bother with Employer Branding?
Why Bother with Employer Branding?
The article itself sighs at yet another list of employer branding stats that you and I might find incredibly pedestrian, but having these kinds of things handy might help move that roadblock at work. Example: 91% of candidates seek out at least one online or offline resource to evaluate an employer’s brand before applying for a job.
Why Bother with Employer Branding?
Brand Equity Measurement For B2B Brands | Branding Strategy Insider
Brand Equity Measurement For B2B Brands | Branding Strategy Insider
Before I roll out some cool new stuff (I'll be able to announce it in a few weeks, I hope), I've been thinking about metrics a lot. So this article on how to think about and measure your brand equity really stuck with me. (Pro tip: use the term "brand equity" more at work to elevate your own personal brand.)
Brand Equity Measurement For B2B Brands | Branding Strategy Insider
Understanding the Difference Between Brand Equity & Awareness
Understanding the Difference Between Brand Equity & Awareness
Sure, you might be measuring your brand awareness, but are you measuring brand equity? I've been thinking that the killer metric might be how much value does a candidate place in your brand. Are you able to offer a salary discount because everyone wants to work for you, or do you have to pay a premium to get talent in the door to overcome that brand sentiment?
Understanding the Difference Between Brand Equity & Awareness