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Imitation: The Weakest Brand Strategy | Branding Strategy Insider
Imitation: The Weakest Brand Strategy | Branding Strategy Insider
I've been in a lot of meetings and rooms where someone asks, "why don't we do what XYZ is doing?" I wonder if that's a function of all corporate recruiting being functionally the same that they don't recognize that branding should actually be different. But that's a tangent we can investigate later. Here's an article that talks about why brands that imitate are going to get in deep trouble.
Imitation: The Weakest Brand Strategy | Branding Strategy Insider
61 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand | Branding Strategy Insider
61 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand | Branding Strategy Insider
I've talked before about how much I love Oblique Strategies and how I would one day write my own deck for employer brand (tangent: the above article, which you should read all the way through because it talks about the weird shit Brian Eno came up with while recording Bowie's "Heroes," starts with a quote that should be tattooed on our collective hands, "Stop thinking about art works as objects, and start thinking about them as triggers for experiences." Anyway...), but this article does a pretty solid job listing 61 ways to differentiate a given brand. A great exercise would be to list all 61 (or maybe just 30) and then list all the ways you could differentiate your own employer brand with that strategy. Congrats, you now have a LOT of good ideas you didn't have before.
61 Ways To Differentiate Your Brand | Branding Strategy Insider