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10 principles of workforce transformation
10 principles of workforce transformation
There's a chance I've linked to this before, but in case I haven't, here are ten ways to encourage workplace transformation (yes, transforming your company is kind of your job). Focus, the experience, advocacy, influencers and metrics should all be very comfortable subjects in your vocabulary.
10 principles of workforce transformation
Issue #44: HR & POLI SCI 5.0: Social Contract - Signature needed? | Revue
Issue #44: HR & POLI SCI 5.0: Social Contract - Signature needed? | Revue
Here's your big read for the week. From fellow talent nerd Liz Lembke's Transforming Talent, this week's newsletter got my head spinning. Why? Because we don't talk about social contracts much at all and we really should. Over the last 50 years, what we expect from each other, from our governmental institutions, and from our jobs has changed. But the systems that support our relationships with our jobs really haven't. What do you expect from your colleagues? What's worth complaining about (and what isn't)? When is it okay to ask for help and when are you expected to buckle down and figure it out? Liz collects a series of recent articles on the topic, and they are very much worth your time.
Issue #44: HR & POLI SCI 5.0: Social Contract - Signature needed? | Revue