Without Purpose, You’re Hurting Your Product, Your Brand, and Yourself
"If you feel the tug of war between spending time on activities with little meaning or direction and that pang of insecurity about keeping your skills in line with market expectations, you may be struggling with a lack of professional brand purpose."
Interview: The True Brand Purpose, w/ Dion Hughes, HiBAR
Branding Mag (rightly) calls "shenanigans" on what feels like every company embracing the concept of "purpose" as a driver in their marketing. To the author's eyes, it is obviously self-serving and has been used to the point of uselessness. That's not good news for us employer brander folks, many of whom rely seriously on the concept of "inspiring purpose" in their EVPs (I mean, now many times in one newsletter am I allowed to use the term 'over-indexed' before this thing gets silly?). But there's some good, news, especially for brands who aren't just slapping a fresh of coat of "purpose" in the brand as the solution d'jour. Defining and proving how your company is trying to create a change in the world is the first step. Get it right, make it real, or just don't both.
Building Leading Brands With Trust And Purpose | Branding Strategy Insider
“Brand that I can trust” has been an attribute that brands have measured for a long time. Looking back, a decade ago, it was hardly a differentiator. Since trust is built over time and can be broken overnight, it is a very fragile attribute for a brand. For the brands born in the last decade, it is the single most powerful long-term competitive advantage they can build and are building by putting social purpose in their core DNA.